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“… the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.” – Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis, #36, August 12, 1950 

“The spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life.” – Job 33:4


"Life, the spirit of life, is breathed--the soul placed by the Eternal Father into the body of the unborn at the precise, exact moment of conception. Do not fall prey to the fallacy there is no life until the child emerges from the womb. No! I say to you: life begins at the moment of conception. The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life at the moment of conception. No man shall take this life, for as such he is guilty and found guilty by the Eternal Father of murder!
     "The commandments given through the ages by the Eternal Father must be brought forward to be studied and obeyed. Many are misled. Do not judge them, but seek first their spirit. Many are misled; they do not know their God. You cannot love without knowing. Who will bring this knowledge to the innocent children?” – Our Lady, September 6, 1975 

“The Eternal Father is much distressed by mankind's actions. They must not try to control the start and expiration of a life. Abortion is murder, My children, for you bring to an untimely end a mission of a soul. The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life into the body at the moment of conception. No man shall destroy this body until it has completed its mission as directed by the Eternal Father, for any man who destroys the mission and the body is guilty of murder.”  - Our Lady, June 12, 1976

“The children are the innocent victims of their elders. Your country and many countries of the world stand now in judgment by the Eternal Father for the murders of the unborn. No man shall destroy a creation of the Eternal Father. The spirit of life is breathed at the moment of conception into the body of a living child. At the moment of conception, the soul is placed by the Eternal Father into that child, and no excuses for murder shall be accepted by the Eternal Father.” - Our Lady, June 5, 1976

“Life and the spirit enter into the being conceived in the human body of woman at the time of conception.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1974 

"There is about you, My children, a world unseen to your human eyes. These creatures of the darkness never sleep. Beside you, to protect you, are the angels of light from Heaven. How few call to their guardians! At the moment of conception, the spirit of life is breathed into the body--at the moment of conception! At the moment of emergence from the mother's womb, a guardian of light is given to the born child.
     "We are saddened to know that you will place in your government one who has the power to continue the slaughter of the Holy Innocents. Woe to your country and woe unto man! For abortion is murder, and murder means death. All, My child, who have any measure in the slaughter of the unborn and do this of conscience and free will, will be condemned eternally to the abyss.” – Our Lady, December 6, 1974

“Many will not accept your revelations, My child, for man has yet to understand the difference between the physical body and the spiritual soul. Man fails to recognize the existence of the unseen world about you.” - Our Lady, February 11, 1971

"The Eternal Father sends each life with reason. The spirit of life is breathed into that body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception the soul is united to that body. Though it grows from a small seed, it is living and must not be destroyed! It is murder, My children, to destroy the seed.
     "All who commit this, this terrible act of murder, My children, cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they repent of this foul crime. They must in their repentance accept a penance upon earth for their acts that bring great sorrow to the heart of the Eternal Father.” – Our Lady, December 27, 1975

"The children are the innocent victims of their elders. Your country and many countries of the world stand now in judgment by the Eternal Father for the murders of the unborn. No man shall destroy a creation of the Eternal Father. The spirit of life is breathed at the moment of conception into the body of a living child. At the moment of conception, the soul is placed by the Eternal Father into that child, and no excuses for murder shall be accepted by the Eternal Father.” – Our Lady, June 5, 1976

"The soul lives on forever. The soul is entered into the body at the moment of conception. We abhor, We will not tolerate the murder of the unborn! Mankind seeks a terrible chastisement far beyond what his human mind or sight can ever conceive, for his actions against the creation of the Father.
     "Murderers! As such you break the Commandment of the Father 'Thou shalt not kill.' Damnation, eternal damnation will be the lot of all who take part in the murder of the unborn. Repent now of your sin! Make restitution to the Father, for you will be held accountable for the murders of the unborn.” – Our Lady, June 8, 1974 

“You must, My child, have no fear at giving this message to the world. The destruction of a body is not important, but cry, My child, for the destruction of a soul. It is the eternal part. Man has found that he prefers to gather all the treasures of earth, casting aside the knowledge that one day he must leave all of his treasures and stand before the Eternal Father and be judged. His spirit, the soul, must live on forever and ever into eternity. He will go to hell, purged in purgatory, or come through the gates of eternal bliss and happiness in the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. Every man who has given himself to satan and damnation will have done this of his own free will and accord.” - Our Lady, November 1, 1975 

"Every man, woman, and child of the age of reason knows right from wrong, for he has been given an inborn conscience. At the moment of his conception life is within the womb, and at the moment of conception a life is forming, regardless of what the agents of hell now pollute the minds of mankind with, creating murders of the young! I say unto you, life begins at the moment of conception and all who extinguish this light are murderers, and without repentance shall be condemned to hell!” – Jesus, June 18, 1977 

“You, as a nation, shall fall without prayer and penance. The Queen of Heaven set Herself to warn you of the penance that would be given to you if you committed murder--the murder of the unborn in abortion.
     "No man shall set himself above his Creator; no man shall judge who is to live or die upon earth.
     "The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life into the body at the precise moment of conception; and as such, there is a plan by the Eternal Father for each living being, this being created at the moment of conception. What right have you to cast yourselves in the role of murderers? Do you think that you shall go unpunished? No! Blood shall flow in your streets, but it shall not be the blood of the Holy Innocents. Murderers, you shall die by the sword!" – St. Michael, November 1, 1975 

“The Eternal Father sends each life with reason. The spirit of life is breathed into that body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception the soul is united to that body. Though it grows from a small seed, it is living and must not be destroyed! It is murder, My children, to destroy the seed.” - Our Lady, December 27, 1975

"The Father breathes the spirit of life into the body of the unborn at the moment of conception. The Father has a plan for each life He permits to be born. No man has been given the right by the Father to take away this life. The mission of that soul is returned incomplete. This abomination among mankind shall not be tolerated much longer! You have in your human nature adopted licentiousness! My children, awaken! Come into the light! You have submerged your spirit in deep darkness.” – Our Lady, December 28, 1974 

“Man, even man in My Son's House, Church, has found the way to rationalize his sin. There is no rationalization, My children, for sin! For sin will bring about the death of your soul. Your soul is immortal, but when I speak of the death of your soul, I mean its fall to satan and its banishment into the eternal fires of hell.” - Our Lady, December 6, 1974

    “There is no death of the soul. There is life immediately after physical death--life beyond the veil, be it Heaven, the Kingdom of your God, purgatory, or banishment forever in hell, the abode of the damned.
   “The false theory of the non-existence of life after death is only proposed to bring about the fall of man. For if man believes there is no life, he will disport himself in all manner of sin and abominations. There is discipline from the beginning of time asked, and there are rules to be followed, My children. It is the way of Heaven, but it is a simple way.” - Jesus, June 9, 1979

“My children, also remember and alert your brothers and sisters that a great error among all the errors is the knowledge that scientists produce of reincarnation. No, My children, there is no reincarnation for mankind! When he dies and goes over the veil his spirit, the living part of him, the eternal living part, shall be given its just reward, judged only by the Eternal Father as the final judge.
   “Only on certain missions shall the Eternal Father return some to earth, but not to accept another human body. I give you this simple illustration, My children: if it were true that the body enters and re-enters upon earth into another body, at the end of the judgment, the final judgment, when your spirit, soul, shall be re-entered into the body it had upon earth-if it were true that you had six or seven or more bodies, which body shall get the soul, the one and only soul?
   “My children, your doctrines of faith have been given to you, the dogmas of your religion, and you cannot change them without bringing destruction upon yourself and My Son's Church.” - Our Lady, May 27, 1978

Our Lady - "My child, repeat: An error that has saddened My heart and My Son's--you have only one body. At the moment of conception the spirit of life is placed by the Creator, our Father, into a body carried in the womb of the woman at the moment of creation. The spirit, when the body dies as you know it, called death, returns to the Father. It does not enter into another body."
Veronica - Our Lady means reincarnation.
Our Lady - "After all, My child, at the general judgment, if you're running around, let us say, in more than one body, which body shall you choose to enter into at the general judgment? Does it not sound like an absolute insane fallacy?
     "The Father sends the spirit, the soul, into the body. At the moment of conception a life is created. Therefore, all who murder the unborn have taken upon themselves the judgment over life and death of an individual, a living creation of God. And as such, he is guilty of breaking the Commandment of the Father: 'Thou shalt not kill!' And all who do not make compensation, repent of their sin, are eternally condemned to the damnation and fires of hell!” – Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"Do they not seek to play the part, the role of a god now, as they seek to create life? It is an abomination in the eyes of God for man in his arrogance and pride to seek to create the living being. What he is creating is a soulless monster, a being of destruction for all that it will meet. I say 'it,' for it is not truly a human being but a 'thing,' My children, a 'thing'!...  
     "My children, if you continue, O scientist of the world, in this pursuit, your punishment shall be great!" - Our Lady, July 25, 1978

"There is only one God, the Lord high God in Heaven. No man is God, even though he places himself up as God now, even trying to create life, and even trying to restore life to the dead. He shall never restore life to the dead. He shall never create a life. What he shall create is a monster, a soulless being." - Our Lady, June 18, 1982

"My children, no man upon earth, with all his knowledge, will be able to create and sustain life. What he is producing now is an empty shell, a soulless 'it,' a thing of abomination." - Our Lady, August 19, 1978

"Scientists must stop at once their pryings, their experimentation into a realm that has brought them in league and contact with the very forces of hell, Lucifer and his agents." - Our Lady, August 19, 1978

"You seek to create as the Creator! You have reached the point of the fallen angels. You will create in the jar a monster, for it will be soulless! Your arrogance and superiority will be your own destruction, you who seek to take the place of your Father! My children, recognize the path you are falling on." - Our Lady, February 1, 1972

"The act of the union of the flesh was created as the means for the propagation of life upon your earth.... The union of the flesh will produce as the Father has deemed it." - Our Lady, May 10, 1972

"Understand, My children, that science cannot go above the laws of his God." - Our Lady, April 1, 1972

"You wander about now in your earth, man of science, seeking to reach the gates of the eternal Kingdom. Man of science, in his arrogance, seeking to create life. I say unto you: no man shall take the power of creation into his hands, for he will destroy himself." - Jesus, February 1, 1977

"My children, because of sin, insanity is now encompassing the minds of men; satan has poisoned many minds. Scientists are ever seeking but never coming to the truth! Scientists are trying to create a life that is not in any way the nature of mankind. Man is seeking and shall destroy his nature." - Our Lady, June 4, 1977

"I say unto you, you shall never learn the secrets, the sacred secrets of death and life, for these are controlled by the Eternal Father. He has created you, and He shall remove you in due time." - Jesus, February 10, 1978

"Lucifer was cast from Heaven, but he retained much knowledge.... He will have you create a monster while searching for scientific knowledge of the creation of life." - Jesus, February 10, 1978

"Yes, We frown upon surrogate mothers. We shall not tolerate the making of children from one to the other. The Sacrament of Marriage was given for the union of man and woman in love and godliness. There is nothing godly about a man who sets himself up to play God and starts revolving innocent--I prefer to call My children innocent, because in that way I do not refuse them even penance for their sins--but they must know that you cannot bring life in a test tube. This will not be accepted by Heaven.
     "These children are not conceived by the Holy Ghost, the spirit within them at the moment of conception, because their conception is from a test tube, and an instrument of a so-called doctor upon earth. He is a doctor, not of divinity, but of sin.
     "Doctors now are profaning their profession, those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions. Doctors also pretend, or hope to seek far above the Eternal Father. Just as the angels did, many years ago--they sought to outshine the Eternal Father, and they were cast forever out of Heaven. But they took many with them.
     "Therefore, My children, I must tell you this, there will be a major war between the right and the wrong side, the left and the right, over this issue.    
     "We will not have test-tube babies, for they are not born with a soul. They can only, then, be called a 'thing,' a 'creature' unknown. Is this what you want, My children?
     "Is this what you want of these children you bear for another? To give them as though you were machines, manufacturing them for another?
     "My children, you grieve all Heaven, because your sin is becoming more perverse upon earth, crying out to Heaven for retribution." - Jesus, June 6, 1987

"Man shall not seek to create life by artificial means, for you destroy the very nature of your humanity. And you shall receive for such actions a just punishment, in chastisement from the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, October 6, 1979

"Man is creating now an abominable situation upon earth as he seeks to fly high to the realm of Heaven by seeking to create another being. I shall not, My children, venture to call this being 'human,' for it is the creation of man, coming forth without a soul. Satan, the master of deceit, has been the creator.
     "My child and My children, I wear a garment of suffering and sorrow for all mankind, for this abomination shall increase.... Science and men of science must cease their striving to reach creation, for no man shall ever be able to create life. The shell shall be produced without life!" - Our Lady, August 5, 1978

"Your country, the United States of America, and many countries throughout the world, shall be visited with great trial in penance for the commission of murder of the unborn. No man shall set himself to destroy a creation of your Lord high God in Heaven, your Creator. Every soul has been sent upon earth with a mission. The Eternal Father finds man committing the greatest of abomination by destroying these souls, by sending them back without a fulfillment of their mission.
     "The spirit of life is breathed into the body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception a life begins, a growing life, a living life, and to destroy this life is murder.
     "Where, My children, shall you draw the line? What next shall you experiment with? The value of life shall be lost; man will seek destruction.” – Our Lady, September 7, 1976



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