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Bishop Wilton Gregory runs a smokescreen, again

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 13, 1978  



Bishop Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Atlanta, has spoken out against the Cardinal McCarrick scandal and lamented that it has brought a "cloud of shame" over the Church. 

He complained that "Our people are disappointed with bishops in general who seemingly cannot or will not act decisively to heal this festering wound."  

Did Bishop Gregory act decisively, when he had the opportunity? 

Has he publicly identified this evil as a homosexual crisis in the priesthood? No, and that is part of his continuing smokescreen. 

Bishop Gregory is hoping that Catholics have a short memory. This Catholic does not. 

Rewind to 2002, the year the sex-abuse scandal broke wide open. So horrendous was the evil that one Catholic magazine called it "the scandal of the millennium." 


Tim Russert interviews Bishop Wilton Gregory

Tim Russert interviewed Bishop Wilton Gregory on June 16, 2002 on the TV show, "Meet the Press."

Bishop Wilton Gregory, head of the U.S. bishops' conference at the time, publicly disagreed with the Vatican’s February 1961 policy forbidding ordination of homosexuals when asked by Tim Russert, “Can a homosexual be a healthy, happy priest?”

Bishop Gregory replied: “I think we have some who are. I think we have men who have embraced the promise of celibacy irregardless of their sexual orientation, and they have lived it with integrity.” [note: 90% of the sexual abuse cases were by homosexual priests who BROKE their vow of celibacy].

Tim Russert then asked Bishop Gregory: “The Pope’s spokesman, Navarro-Valls, had this to say: ‘Pope John Paul’s spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, questioned whether ordination of gays were even valid. ‘People with these inclinations just cannot be ordained.’ [New York Times, March 3, 2002] Do you agree with that?” 

Bishop Gregory’s response: I believe that that statement was perhaps more expansive than the tradition of the Church. It seems to me that the Church has spoken about living a holy integral life in a much broader context than that.”

Serpentine slick.

Witnessing this response by Bishop Wilton Gregory was one of the most evil things I have ever witnessed in the Church. Tim Russert, a seasoned and professional journalist, had a pained expression on his face after hearing Bishop Gregory's response. He too, must have sensed something sinister. Tim Russert could easily size up people, and he wasn't liking what he saw.

Tim Russert continued: “But the fact that 90% of the abused children in the Church were teenage boys. Does that trouble you that there may be a disproportionate level of behavior by homosexual men towards teenage boys?”

Bishop Gregory responded: “It certainly troubles me. But the fact that any of our kids are harmed troubles me. The percentages are startling, but the total issue is a cause for great sorrow.”

Bishop Wilton Gregory had denied Church teaching, deflecting away from the core evil of the crisis (homosexual predation), and enabled the homosexual crisis in the U.S. Catholic priesthood to continue.

He made no apologies that he and many bishops were responsible for the sex-abuse crisis, because they had rejected the Church's law published in 1961 which forbade ordination of homosexual men.

More than sixteen years later, Bishop Gregory continues to promote homosexual priests. LifeSiteNews reported on August 14, 2018 that "Atlanta’s Catholic archbishop [Wilton Gregory] has appointed a pro-gay priest who heads a gay-affirming parish to be diocesan spiritual director for victims of sexual abuse by clergy, LifeSiteNews has learned."


"This hapless bench of bishops" - Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz 

When the U.S. bishops met in June 2002 to address the sex abuse crisis, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz was one of the few bishops doing his job.  

He was thoroughly disgusted with the lot of them.  

In a June 15, 2002 email post by National Review Online, Rod Dreher reported: This "hapless bench of bishops," as Bp. Bruskewitz called them tonight, couldn't even agree that the role of dissent and homosexuality in this catastrophe was worth studying. The conclusion is obvious: if reform is to come, it's not going to come from the bishops. 

Fast forward sixteen years. 

Truly, reform did not come then, and will not come now, from this group of cowardly U.S. bishops.


Church teaching against ordaining homosexuals

Let's review what the Church and recent Popes have stated regarding homosexuals entering the priesthood. In addition to the numerous citations in the holy Bible against the evil of homosexuality, historical records show that as far back and 810 A.D., the Catholic Church has forbidden the ordination of homosexuals.

1961 Vatican document

A 1961 Vatican document clearly stated, "Advancement to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers."

Pope St. John Paul II

The National Catholic Register reported on a September 5, 2002 speech given by Pope John Paul II, who stated that sexually disordered men are not appropriate candidates for the priesthood:

"It would be lamentable if, out of a misunderstood tolerance, they ordained young men who are immature or have obvious signs of affective deviations that, as is sadly known, could cause serious anomalies in the consciences of the faithful, with evident damage for the whole Church," the Holy Father said.
     The term "affective deviations" is used by priestly formators to describe individuals with disordered sexual orientations - such as homosexuality or ongoing heterosexual activity - that are incompatible with priestly celibacy.

Cardinal Jorge Medina Estévez

The December 8-14, 2002 issue of the National Catholic Register reported:

Ordaining homosexuals "is absolutely inadvisable and imprudent and, from a pastoral point of view, very risky," wrote the Vatican's point man on the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments in an official communication.
     Cardinal Jorge Medina Estévez, responding to a letter from a bishop, added that "a person who is homosexual or has homosexual tendencies is not, therefore, suitable to receive the sacrament of sacred orders."
     The Congregation (Vatican Department) for Divine Worship and the Sacraments published Cardinal Medina's letter in December in the congregation's bulletin. It was written last May to an unnamed bishop who had inquired about the propriety of ordaining homosexual men.

Pope Benedict

Pope Benedict repeated the Church's teaching, that homosexuals are not to be ordained. 

Pope Francis

Even Pope Francis has warned bishops not to ordain homosexual men.


Our Lady's intervention will destroy this network of evil bishops 

Our Lady is our heavenly Mother and Queen. She is without sin, so She cannot lie to us, but will only tell us the truth. She truly loves us and cares for us, and will obtain what is truly good for us. 

So much cannot be said for many of our bishops. All are sinners, all have fallen short of the glory of God. Many have intentionally lied to their own people and caused incalculable harm. 

The REAL Third Secret of Fatima, given to the world by Our Lady at Fatima, was that satan would enter the highest realms of the Catholic hierarchy: "How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." (May 13, 1978) 

Satan has entered and now has great control over the highest realms of the Catholic hierarchy. 

The bishops and cardinals have sought to suppress this truth, as it would expose their evil network. Fr. Joaquin Alonso, the official archivist of Fatima, said that in the Third Secret, "the text makes concrete references to the crisis of the Faith of the Church and to the negligence of the pastors themselves." 

Who can deny that this has not come to pass? 

We must pray the Rosary daily, and ask Our Lady's intercession to expose and remove the evil bishops and cardinals in our midst.


"My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1976

"I gave Lucy the Revelation as a temporary secret—as I revealed [the Third Secret] to you on two occasions. Make a concerted effort to bring its entirety to Our children on earth. The hierarchy have not listened to My counsel—thirty-two years lost in indecision and fear of exposure. The Faith is shattered for many." - Our Lady of the Roses, April 29, 1992


Directives from Heaven 

D174 - Homosexuality, Part 2   PDF LogoPDF

Articles and videos

Georgia Archbishop Slammed for Hypocrisy, Church Militant, August 14, 2018

US archbishop appoints pro-gay priest as ‘spiritual guide’ for sex abuse victims: report, LifeSiteNews August 14, 2018

VIDEO: It is a 'gay thing!', Church Militant, August 14, 2018


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August 16, 2018