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"The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the Bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means."  - Our Lady to Sister Lucy, one of the seers of Fatima, June 13, 1929

"Make it known to the Holy Father that I am always awaiting the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart. Without the consecration, Russia will not be able to convert, nor will the world have peace." - Our Lady to Sister Lucy, 1952 (II Pellegrinaggio Della Meravigle, p. 440. Rome, 1960. This same work, published under the auspices of the Italian episcopate, affirms that this message was communicated to Pope Pius XII in June. Also, Canon Barthas mentioned that apparition in his communication to the Mariological Congress of Lisbon-Fatima, in 1967)

*As the following clearly points out, the collegial consecration of Russia has not been done, contrary to claims reported elsewhere.

Shortly after Veronica finished reading the articles in the daily newspaper pertaining to the "demise" of communism in the Soviet Union, and the subsequent birth of the new Commonwealth of Independent States, Our Lady appeared in what Veronica perceived as a message expressed in desperation:
     "Do not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: satan. Their master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I repeat: it is a ruse. Wake up America or you will suffer much." - Our Lady, December 18, 1991

"As I counseled you all in the past, I said to you as quote: 'This is a ruse,' I repeat again. This is the visit to your country, the once great and Illustrious United States of the world, the nation, the United States of America, the illustrious country that now is leading into a path of darkness. This has been allowed because of the dire straits of your nation. The morality has now been cast aside. Darkness has fallen upon mankind....
     "I tell you now, and I will not tell you again. This is the last time you will receive this counsel.
     "As in the past Lenin, as in the past Stalin, and Khrushchev; and many others had tried to deceive the United States. They all felt that by trying to ensnare you with delusions of casting aside their communistic aspirations, that they had become as you, a free nation for all.
     "I assure you, My children, there is no freedom in Russia. It is all a delusion.
     "They seek the monies of the world from the nations of the world. And why do you not learn a lesson? It happened in the time of Lenin; it happened in the time of Stalin. And there you are all on the same road, ready to give billions of monies that should be given to those of your nation and the free nations of the world.
     "Do not be deceived, My children, Russia is not free. It is a cosmetic act to delude you. Lenin and Stalin used the same tactics, My children. Why do you not learn from your errors?"
Veronica - Our Lady now, Our Lady is crying. Now She is looking up and She says:
Our Lady - "My tears fall on you, My children. And I must give you also the conclusion to what I have spoken to you of. Lenin and Stalin are not with Us. They were cast off to meet with their god, the prince of darkness, satan.
     "It behooves Me to say, and it tears My heart in anguish, that they did not seek to be saved. For those who approach them, as they will approach you in your nation and try to convince you that their way of life without the Eternal Father was a way that should be adopted by all - no, My children!
"I repeat again, because this will be my last discourse to the world on this subject: This man, these two men are of the same creed, color, spirituality - or should I say, My children, lack of spirituality. They have a father who is the father of all liars, so what does it make them, My children - Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Yeltsin, Gorbachev?
     "That is the same old plan, My children, and those leaders of your nation are as blind as they were in the past. I tell you for your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of your slumber now, you will fall!
     "For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more armaments. They have not disposed of their armaments, My child and My children. They store them in other nations. They have the same goals as their forefathers." - Our Lady, June 18, 1992

"Every single soul upon earth that hears My voice this evening has an obligation, for the sanctification of their own souls and the souls of those they love, to listen to Me and follow the direction. I wish that all who hear My words this evening will go forward and besiege, if necessary, the Holy Father and the bishops with a request for this consecration of Russia. We do not mean the world, My children, We mean Russia!" - Jesus, June 17, 1989

"When I came to Fatima many years ago, I knew that communism would go throughout the world destroying many nations and attacking My Son's Church. Therefore, I made a promise that if the Pope, the Pope of those days and the Pope today, would unite with all the bishops of the world, all together on one day--not the world--but the bishops and the Pope will unite and pray for the consecration of Russia. I do not mean the world, My children; I mean Russia--Russia, the scourge of mankind. You will pray for Russia. One day must be allotted in which Pope John Paul II and, also, all the bishops of the world must unite on one day, I repeat, and pray for Russia; or Russia will continue to be the scourge from God. Russia will continue to go throughout the world annihilating people and places and countries." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987

"I repeat from My Mother Her words to the world some time ago--and I believe, My child, you have been a voice-box before and a means for Heaven to transport this message to the world--that is, that the Holy Father in Rome, in unison with all of the bishops of the world, must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother." - Jesus, March 18, 1989

"The red horse is war! And war is in the balance next, My child. And what can you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven
and We hope, My children, that you will get this out to the worldunless the bishops and the Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the worldunless they consecrate Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage and pestilence and famine." - Jesus, June 17, 1989

"My priests of the world, I say to you now: you must listen to My voice from Heaven. You must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart or you will die." - Our Lady, April 14, 1984

"My child and My children, since the world no longer considers the tiny little babies as being important to life, they no longer will consider the necessity to have the elderly and infirm among us. That is communism, My children! They will destroy the elderly; they will destroy the newborn, and they will destroy anyone who gets in their way." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985

"Russia has but one plan: to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father
through pen or prose, or the written scriptto contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children." - Jesus, May 17, 1986

"O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth.
    "I repeat again. My child Veronica, you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987

Veronica - Our Lady is holding up a parchment of paper.
    "Look, My child, what has been written down. From where and whence did this parchment of reconciliation with Russia originate, signed by many cardinals? O My child, My heart is bleeding.... The parchment of paper contains the words that made a treaty between the Vatican and Russia." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985

"My child and My children, remember now, I have asked you to contact Pope John Paul II, and tell him he must rescind the Treaty, the Pact made with Russia; for only in that way shall you have a true peace." - Jesus, June 6, 1987

**Secret negotiations between the Holy See and the Kremlin took place at Metz, France, in 1962. Cardinal Tisserant, Pope John XXIII's own representative and a member of the Vatican Curia, met with Archbishop Nikodim, the Kremlin spokesman, who at the time was head of the department of the external relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is an instrument of the Soviet State and of the Communist Party. At this meeting, John XXIII, through his negotiator, Cardinal Tisserant, promised not to attack the people or the communist regime of Russia at the Vatican II Council in order to secure Moscow's permission for the Russian Orthodox observers to attend. This was the pre-condition set down by Moscow for participation, and it was strictly observed at the Council. In fact, the Church observed the Agreement so well that neither during nor after the Council was there any direct attack on the communist regime in Russia. To this day, the Treaty remains in full force.

"Russia, being an atheistic country, My children
Russia, you cannot believe what they tell you, nor what they print in their tabloids." - Jesus, May 17, 1986


"For Russia has one thing in mind; that is, to take over the United States, Canada, and all nations of the world.
    "My child, you can well understand that they have been doing well lately. That is because, though We cry for prayers, atonement and sacrifice, and the First Saturdays
which I've asked of you since Fatimathey have not been acceded to." - Our Lady, June 18, 1987

"My child and My children, make it known to your Senate and your President that the two-legged demon [Gorbachev], as We address him, has entered upon your country; and they are not to be deceived, for he has a major plan against the United States." - Jesus, June 18, 1990

"The cost of life means nothing to them, as you can recognize in all of the countries around your world that have been invaded by Russia, or Russia is the secret agent giving over the firearms and the destructive missiles to destroy the United States and Canada." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985

"Bishops, cardinals in Rome, a plan is set afoot against you. Many have entered from the socialist
the Union of Socialist Republic, Russia, have entered the Church to destroy you!" - Our Lady, November 20, 1978

"My child and My children, I must also warn you that My Mother was not light, or can be taken lightly, in what she has just given to you as knowledge of the KGB. They are now holding the major stations in your government. They come as angels of light to your leader." - Jesus, September 7, 1985

"Listen, My child, and repeat after Me: the Brown Bear of communism, of red orientation, will seek to devour the Holy Father, your Vicar the Pope, by assassination, and place on the seat of Peter a communist puppet known by all as the White Bear." - Jesus, June 18, 1991

"The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987

"There are evil powers, My child, being set up to enslave your world. I have begged you, I have asked you through countless years to pray much for the conversion of Our adversary. One nation--Russia, My children--shall be your scourge, as they shall go across the world, ravenous in appetite, destruction as their means for enslaving the world!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1975 

"My child and My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your nation and the nations of the world. You do not know how close you are to being one of the nations to be annihilated. I speak this of the United States of America, because they are being deluded by Russia. Russia has in armaments six times the number of missiles that we store. While they say they deploy them, and take them out of existence--that is not true. They are increasing and increasing; for they have only one thought in mind--that is to take over the whole world.
     "My child and My children, do not be affrighted by this, for there is still time to stop them. But you must do that now! You must get first in touch with the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Now this will be most difficult, because he has many agents who work with him that are not in the light. They are in his Secretarial Department--the Secretariat. They do not tell him of his messages. It is difficult--unless you can place it straight into the hands of the Holy Father-it is difficult for him to receive a message. But he must, I repeat again, receive this message.
     "He must take one day of this year--this year, not next year, this year--one day, and with all the bishops of the world, he must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart.
     "It can be done, My children, with your prayers and your efforts. Your Pope, he is a good man, but he is weak also, having human frailties; and he has great undue pressures upon him. Help him, My children, by writing, by trying to send through the blockade that they have set up in front of him in Rome: send a message of grace from Heaven to Holy Father Pope John Paul II. He must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart; or else Russia shall go throughout the whole world, destroying nation upon nation, even the United States and Canada." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987

"When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985




The Preparatory Period of Nuclear War, Jeff Nyquist, May 1, 2020

Surprise Nuclear Attack, Part 1, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)

Surprise Nuclear Attack, Part 2, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)

Russia's Economic Moves and What They Portend, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)

A Genuine Threat of War? J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)

Russian Threats: Then and Now - Introduction (WorldNetDaily)

Can Moscow Be Trusted? Russia's Hidden Nuclear Missiles - Part I (WorldNetDaily)

Can Moscow Be Trusted? Inside Russia's Magic Mountain - Part II (WorldNetDaily)

High Anxiety, J.R. Nyquist (WorldNetDaily)

The Preparatory Period of Nuclear War, J.R. Nyquist, May 1, 2020

Veronica's landing points vision

Russia plans to invade the US with missiles

A Russian Super-EMP Bomb Could Instantly Destroy America, Jeff Nyquist, April 23, 2012

Daniel Ortega: A Cold War Communist is Still Killing People in Nicaragua, The American Spectator, July 19, 2018

Soviet plan for WW3 nuclear attack, invasion of Germany unearthed, Associated Press, September 17, 2007

Putin Boasts Russia Has Developed an Intercontinental Nuclear Missile that Can’t be Shot Down, The [UK] Sun, March 1, 2018

Russia Readies Test Of Nuclear-Powered "Doomsday-Drone" Torpedo, Zerohedge, May 28, 2020




Next Directive - #11 Remain in the Parish Church

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November 22, 2023