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“But to every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the giving of Christ. Wherefore he saith: Ascending on high, He led captivity captive; He gave gifts to men.” - Ephesians 4:7-8
"When you leave your body, My children,
your spirit will live on forever. However, there is no guarantee without merit
of the Eternal Kingdom of the Father. You must want to go there, My children.
You must work to go there. You must pray, you must make sacrifices, and really
know the true meaning of 'love' that is being exaggerated, My child, in your
world. They cry 'love' and 'peace' where there is no love and no peace. The
only example of love, true love, is in the cross, My child-the lifetime of My
Son upon earth and His Ascension into the Eternal Kingdom."
- Our Lady, August 5, 1975
"I ask all to become apostles of these last
days because it will be necessary now for man to understand and acknowledge the
supremacy of His God in Heaven. I ask that all who have been born into and
baptized into the true Faith to go forward as apostles of light, disciples for
Heaven in these latter days. The knowledge must be given to those who cannot
comprehend, who have hardened their hearts and closed their ears-the knowledge
must be given to them that My Son is the Messiah; My Son has been upon earth,
and He shall return again as He ascended."
- Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"When My Son ascended to the Father, I
spent many years spreading His word. I know the frailties of human nature. I
know the heartbreak, the suffering, for I spent many years on earth. Therefore,
I always beg for mercy, My children, to the Father for My errant children on
earth. That is why I have been placed here as a Mediatrix between God and man.
My Son has deemed this necessary."
- Our Lady, August 14, 1972
"My Son will return to your earth as He
ascended from your earth. He will return with the legions, the armies of
Heaven, in the final battle against the agents and forces of evil. He will
destroy the nations that have given themselves to satan. He will destroy those
who have become agents of satan." - Our Lady, August 5, 1974
"My Mother received Her crown through
suffering and perseverance. She walked among men for many years after I
ascended to the Father. She waited and prayed and directed those about Her with
care and patience. She strengthened the foundation of My House upon earth, and
was awarded the crown gained by Her efforts. My children, know that My Mother
left your earth in both body and spirit. She joined Me with the Eternal
- Jesus, August 14, 1976
"They did not fall asleep. My Son ascended
in full view. His loved ones were not asleep."
Veronica-Our Lady says there is much fallacy in the world. The great
Apostles of Jesus did not fall asleep. They were wide and fully awake when they
watched Jesus ascend into Heaven.
- Our Lady, May 22, 1974
"I give you My heart, torn anew by My own.
I give you My Mother, the gentlest of creatures, human and sublime. I give you
My Mother Who will be with you through the battle until I return as I ascended
into Heaven.
"My Mother remembers full well, as I do, Our years among you people
upon earth. We know of your human frailties. In that manner can We-Our hearts
bleed with anguish for you." - Jesus, August 14, 1979
Jesus-"I want to show you, My child, the
Assumption of My Mother."
Veronica-Now I see, I see like a hillside. And there's a cave-like, oh,
I guess it's a grave, sort of, but it's not like in a graveyard. It's like cut
out of a hillside. And there's a slab, there's a slab of stone. And I see-it
looks like a mummy, because I see a body all wound up in white sheeting-like
pieces. But it's sort of not white sheeting, exactly; it's like very
rough-looking with dots sort of in it, like muslin, sort of, and wound up just
like a mummy.
Jesus is-oh, He's coming. Now this place is all closed off. There's no door.
It's like-oh, like a mausoleum or something, but it's more like a cave. And I
see Jesus now; He's coming right through the rock. And He's standing there now,
and He's placed His hand on the sheeting. And all of a sudden there's a
tremendous light around this, like a person in the sheeting. Ah! And I see the
sheeting is just unwinding, falling away. And there-it's Our Lady, but She's
sitting up. And Jesus is standing next to Her. And now as the sheeting is
falling off, it's just falling away from Her, disintegrating.
has a most beautiful white gown-oh, pure white. She's barefooted now. And Jesus
has placed out His hand, and He's taken Her hand. And She's all lit up.
Now I
see Our Lady is-I know it's Our Lady-She's getting younger and younger. When
the sheet was first away from Her, She looked kind of old, maybe-well, maybe
seventy-three, seventy-four. But now She looks a little girl. She's beautiful!
She's very young-looking.
Jesus now is taking Her hand, and They are both just rising. They're going up,
up, up, and right through the rock! Absolutely! They went through the rock! Now
I see Them outside the door, and I see Jesus and Our Lady, and the light is
tremendous. Oh, and Jesus now is holding Our Lady's hand.
there are, oh, hundreds of angel figures about Them. And there's beautiful
music. Ah-ah, alleluia, ah-ah, alleluia. [Veronica repeats some of the music
she hears.] And there's voices; they're so loud they're-it sounds like millions
of voices.
I see
Them, and Our Lady now is rising. Our Lady is all beautiful in white. It's-I
can't explain it. It's just like in a tremendous light. And now They're rising
far, far up into the sky. And I can't see Them any more. Now it's though
They've disappeared right into the sky. Absolutely gone, and the sky now has
become a very deep, deep, deep blue. - August 14, 1973
"My children, I bring to you now a
little-known story of the Assumption of My Mother. Yes, there were present two
small children, standing outside the crypt as I brought My Mother forward. She
lay but a short time in Her burial shroud, and I came with Michael and Gabriel
to take My Mother to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father to receive Her much
awarded crown.
"My Mother received Her crown through suffering and perseverance.
She walked among men for many years after I ascended to the Father. She waited
and prayed and directed those about Her with care and patience. She
strengthened the foundation of My House upon earth, and was awarded the crown
gained by Her efforts. My children, know that My Mother left your earth in both
body and spirit. She joined Me with the Eternal Father." - Jesus, August
14, 1976
Our Lady-"Seventy-two years of service to
the Father."
Veronica-Our Lady is repeating:
Our Lady-"Seventy-two years of service to
the Father.
"I was honored by the Father in your years of twelve. My young
years, My child, were spent in seclusion. I, too, was not without persecution
when I carried on the apostleship of My Son."
- Our Lady, August 14, 1974
"Veronica, My child, you must bring forward
the knowledge of My going into the Kingdom. I was assumed. It is your Feast of
the Assumption. I extend to all My children the knowledge that they shall join
Me and My Son in the eternal Kingdom when they cross over the veil. Prayer,
penance, and atonement-it is the way of the cross." - Our Lady, August 14,
"For your mission upon earth, My child, it
is necessary that the Father endow you with knowledge. You have stated, I
understand, that you have found difference in seeing My Son and I and viewing
all the personages of Heaven. I appear to you, My child, in solid form, as does
My Son, because My Son ascended and I was assumed into Heaven in Our body
state. But others appear different to you, My child, in their forms because
they come in their soul-spirit state. That is the way they were taken to
Heaven, through natural human means, through the veil.
"My Son, in the Father, took Me into the realm of the Kingdom when
My work was finished upon earth. I rose by the power of God into the
Kingdom." - Our Lady, December 31, 1972
"Remember, My children, come to My Mother;
for in Her memory of Her human days upon earth, She above all humans
created-sinless, without the stigma of sin, a perfect life upon earth without
sin, and assumed into Heaven, body and spirit-She above all can direct you
because She is your Mother; She is the Queen of Heaven, and the Mother of every
human being upon earth."
- Jesus, August 14, 1979
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Revised: March 27, 2010