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“As a way of showing forth the Church's holiness, it is to be recognized that the consecrated life, which mirrors Christ's own life, has an objective superiority. Precisely for this reason, it is an especially rich manifestation of Gospel values and a more complete expression of the Church's purpose, which is the sanctification of humanity." - Apostolic Letter Vita Consecrata (The Consecrated Life), #32, John Paul II, March 25, 1996.

"Are there not any who care to come forward and dedicate their lives to save Our young children? Please, My children, surely among you, those who hear My voice or will read this written word, can you not give your life to win your reward forever in Heaven? And perhaps also, those you love you can bring with you. So many little souls are crying. They thirst for the knowledge of Jesus and all of Heaven." -
Our Lady, June 18, 1982 

"I need so many brides for Christ, and so few are there who are willing to sacrifice their lives for Him. Oh, if they only knew the great reward." - Our Lady, June 18, 1982 

"I come this evening to ask my sisters who hear my message not to be taken over by worldly pursuits. I agree fully with the nuns in the convents that object to the television. No television should be in a holy place." - St. Theresa, October 2, 1989  

"My child, We watch and see the houses of My Son crumbling, being destroyed throughout your world. Doors are closing, convents are emptying, and the dedicated are leaving and falling into all manner of sin and abominations. Who shall be in the remnant? Only a few will be saved." - Our Lady, May 26, 1976 

"Yes, My child, I spoke to you of the evil ones who have infiltrated into the clergy. They are not entering with dedication and spirits of light, but they are bringing in the spirit of darkness. By their fruits will you know them, My child. I have asked you to be not fooled by those who wear the garments of the dedicated but have fouled their garments. You must pray more for the light and recognize the faces of evil about you, My child." - Jesus, June 5, 1975 

"In the cause of obedience, pastors and Our dedicated nuns, remember this: you cannot be obedient to one who has defamed his habit, to one who has cast aside his Faith, to one who goes forward as a destroyer of souls. The rabat is the teacher of life, but do not be fooled by those who foul these habits." - Our Lady, August 5, 1976 

"Will you not, My children, you who are children of the light, come forward and become nuns, nuns with good hearts, with a good foundation of the Faith and the truth, and nourish Our sheep?" - Our Lady, June 18, 1982  

"Jesus the Lord, your Lord, my sisters and brothers, has made the rule. You cannot change it to suit yourselves. You have been blinded by satan. The liberation in your hearts has been placed there by satan. You gain nothing but your own destruction. Nuns, those who have accepted the rule and taken the habit, must remain in the habit." - St. Theresa, October 2, 1975 

"Holiness and piety! Manmen of God, you must wear your garment of purity, dedication, and piety. What manner of foul deeds do you perform for the destruction of your sheep! For what? Material gain and pride and arrogance? You shall be cast into the abyss! Rank shall give you no advantage when you come over the veil." - St. Michael, December 24, 1975 

"And woe to the clergy who has given himself over to worldliness and sin! Woe to the clergy who rejects his vocation and chooses a life upon earth after he has taken his vows! I say unto him: the judgment will fall great upon him." - Jesus, August 4, 1979 

"Know now, my brothers and sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom." - St. Francis, May 28, 1975  

"I see, My children, a great evil transpiring upon earth. Those who have the power to stop the evil have chosen to go downstream like ducks upon water, letting everything slide off their backs, neither caring nor visualizing the future. And why?  Because they have given themselves to the world.
"Just as My Son stood before Pilate and he washed his hands and said: 'This man is innocent; I see no wrong in him,' however, in his heart he knew of innocence but he feared reprisal from the crowd, My children; he valued his life, he loved his sin, and he was too much involved with the pleasures of this life and the world.
     "You see, My children, it is taking place all over again for those in command in rule. They go along 'passing,' as you say, 'the buck,' each one not willing to admit his error or his participation in evil, but only too willingly allowing others to take the blame or the responsibility. And I assure you, My children, if evil is being allowed, the 'buck passer' is just as guilty as the original one who had started the evil.         
"If you know in your hearts, O pastors, that souls are in danger of being corrupted, misled, and even destroyed, and you do nothing about it, because you do not wish to offend your superiors, because you value your life in this world too much and your good living; I assure you, O pastors, you shall stand before My Son and He shall not know you. You will be disowned, banished from eternal life in Heaven, and you shall join your father who is the father of all liars, satan, and the prince of darkness." -
Our Lady, March 18, 1977   

"Do not leave when you are discouraged by those who satan has sent into your convents. Stand forth as an example of purity and godliness. You will not be cast aside by your God, as you will by man, as you stand to defend your God. Pick up your cross and carry it." - St. Theresa, November 20, 1972 

"Modernism must not be a way of life for Our dedicated. Our nuns have to have discipline, My children. Do not bring the world into the convents. I ask that the convents remain free of all television and radios, and return to their prayer life." - Our Lady, June 18, 1990  

"Pastors, you shall be called and shall you stand before, in judgment, the Eternal Father and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? Better that you fear your God than man! Obedience? Obedience is commanded by the Eternal Father for good, not for evil!" - Our Lady, May 26, 1976  

"You will not be led into false obedience, for in this way you will be led as sheep to the slaughter." - Our Lady, September 7, 1971 

"Obedience, My child, obedience-how sad that the true meaning has met with distortion. Satan has used the rule of obedience to bring about the destruction of souls. There is, My child, only one majesty Who commands your obedience. This is the Fatherthe Father, the most high God in heaven, the Kingdom of light. You must not honor man before your God. You must not sell your soul to man! For you, therefore, are selling your soul to the devil." - Our Lady, December 6, 1974 

"If you compromise by pleasing those who have set themselves to rule you, and if you compromise without the love of God and accepting the will of God, and replacing it for the will of man, in obedience that has been darkened by sin and false obedienceblind obedienceno! You shall not cast aside your God to please any man!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1975 

"We askand it was given in the past, my sistersthat you keep these beads of prayer at your side so that you do not waste a moment of your earthly life, gathering the graces for your soul and the souls entrusted to your care, your loved ones and your brothers and sisters upon earth." -
St. Theresa, September 28, 1974 

Veronica - "Our Lady wants you to know that there will be difficult days ahead for all religious.  Therefore, you must stand your ground and do not leave, because to leave is also falling into the plan with satan.  You must hold the truth in your heart and have great hopebecause all in the Book of Life must come to pass.  Therefore, the trials you must suffer, take with obedience and faith.  The road ahead will take fortitude and great courage to stand forth in your own convictions.  Great disobedience or fighting with the ranks will gain nothing.  Only prayer will stem the tide.  When you find within your Order that the going is rough and you meet with a pattern that does not suit what is in your heartor even right in the plan of Godyou will pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and you will be led out of this trap.  This is for all religiousfrom the highest rank of cardinal down." - Veronica, August 21, 1972 

"Many of our brothers of the orders have given themselves to worldly living, my child. They do not know that they have fallen into the snare of satan. The simple life, my child, is the best for the dedicated.
"The dedicated, those who have accepted a vocation, must live only as human beings in the world, but must accept the spiritual.
"Our brothers of the cloth, my child, have rejected the supernatural. They are running fast onto the road to perdition. Pray for them, my child. The simple life of pure dedication and the simple rule is all that can keep them from falling into the abyss.
"Discipline must be returned to the orders. Many must now retire from the world that has been given to satan.
"Know now, my brothers and sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom. Shall you trade your eternal life with God the Father for a few short years of plenty upon your earth? Many have sold their souls to get to the head." -
St. Francis of Assisi, May 28, 1975

Next Directive:  #160 - Religious  Orders  and the  Dedicated: Part 2 

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Revised: March 27, 2010

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