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“And many false prophets shall arise, and shall seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.” – St. Matthew 24: 11-13

"My child and My children, My Mother has counseled you well on the present state of spirit of mankind.
"We hear voices rising to Heaven: 'How long, O Lord, shall You allow these abominations to continue?' My child and My children, the time is growing very short.
"Already as you watch the days go by, you cannot avoid noticing the acceleration of evil. It will be truly father against son, mother against daughter. There will be division within the home as satan seeks to divide and conquer.
"Parents must now exercise discipline in the home. Your children now will be subjected to all manner of evil and corruption from the forces of darkness that are loosed upon your earth.” –
Jesus, December 7, 1977 

"My children, I tell you now as your Mother that My tears fall upon you, for you do not know what you are doing. You are bringing upon you a great punishment.
"Are you so blind that you do not recognize the acceleration of sin among you? Murders abound, thievery, all manner of carnage, destruction of young souls, abortion, homosexuality, condemned from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father. Yet sin has become a way of life. Sin is condoned now, even unto the highest judges of your land and your lands throughout the world. As you have sown so shall you reap. Sin is death, not only of the spirit, but of the body. Wars are a punishment for man's sin, his greed, his avarice. Pride and arrogance is bringing down into hell mitres from My Son's House.” –
Our Lady, August 14, 1981 

"My child and My children, I come to you with a heavy heart. I have been watching the acceleration of the evil upon earth, and I realize without a doubt that many have rejected, refused to accept the Message from Heaven. Unless they remove the blindness from their hearts and open their eyes to what is happening, I can no longer hold back the terrible Warning and Chastisement. One will follow the other. I cannot hold back this chastisement from mankind.
"My child and My children, you wonder now of the happenings in Rome. Much that has happened has taken place because too few have cared to pray and do penance for the priesthood. One day all will be made known to mankind.
"I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man, in the will of the Eternal Father, to warn you, O priests in My Son's Church, His House upon earth, that you must turn back and start again.” –
Our Lady, October 6, 1978 

"You cannot accept two masters. One you will love, and the other you will learn to hate. And remember, My children, where your treasures are, your heart will always lie. And better that you gather your treasures in a place where there is neither rusting, nor attacks by moths, and robbers cannot take them from you. Store your treasures in Heaven, My children. Gather your graces. You must ransom your soul and the souls of your children, your households. Do not wait expecting to be repatriated at the last moment, My children. Many are coming across the veil unprepared, and sadly, they cannot be accepted into the Kingdom.
"My heart is torn now at the full acceleration of the evil in your country, your cities, and your world. My Mother made it quite clear to you that mankind is not beyond possession by satan. The human body and the human souls now are being corrupted by evil man through the influence of satan, My children. You must learn to avoid the faces of evil that come to you. You must do all in your human power with the graces that will be given to you freely to cast off the inclination to evil.” –
Jesus, August 5, 1977 

"The conspiracy of evil within the holy House of God has assumed great proportions. It will not be long, without your aid, that your Vicar will be removed from among you.
"The forces of evil are accelerating in the world. There is no time to sit back and let the others take the lead. You must now save your Vicar. How will you do this? You will make sacrifices and prayers of atonement. Your sacrifices and your prayers will turn the evil that has entered into the holy men of the House of God away from them.
"Do not expect man to save himself. It is too late for man to use men of science. He must now return to the methods given by his God, of prayers and atonement.
"The judgment of your God is not akin to the judgment of man. The Eternal Father will only judge by the heart. Your rank, your accumulation of worldly goods does not set you up before another. Many have sold their souls within the holy House of God. Better that you strip yourself and remove all worldly interests now while you have the time to make amends to your God, for many mitres will fall into hell." –
St. Thomas Aquinas, August 21, 1972 

"My children, My voice has carried for years throughout your world of earth warning you of the coming of these times, the times of 666, the great forces of evil that would gather to do battle with the children of God upon earth. The battle now rages, My children. It rages in your government. It rages in the home. Your children are now victims of their elders.
"O My children, do you not recognize that the evil is accelerating in your country and the countries of the world? Murders have become commonplace. There is no realization in the clouded minds of sinful men that murder is an abomination in the eyes of his God. Murder in all forms is being committed and shall not go unpunished.” –
Our Lady, August 5, 1977 

"Yes, My child, the evil is accelerating. In fact, I understand, from hearing My children in their prayers, that it boggles their minds how the evil continues to accelerate, as we pray and do penance and seek for the repatriation of souls upon earth. We have extended the time far beyond what the Eternal Father wishes, My children. But it is those who are good that must not slacken in their pace to save their brothers and sisters.
"Many of the good have become complacent. They have now brought themselves down from a pinnacle to wallow, we will say, in their self-exaltation of being saved. However, I repeat again to all My children, that to those who have received much, much is expected of them. They cannot sit back and with a smile not consider what goes on beyond their sight. They must work in the world and not retire from it, self-satisfied with their own salvation. They must go out among the nations, because, My children, everyone now cries for peace and security where there is no peace and security. There are more murders: the abortions continue, accelerating at a higher rate.” –
Our Lady, September 27, 1986 

"I must caution you, My children, of the days ahead. You will be forced to make a choice. The easy way, the way of submission will not set you on the path to Heaven.
"You have been knowledgeable, My child, and enlightened on the fact of the coming Chastisement. There will be many internal disorders in your country, much suffering. Protect your children now within your homes against the evil which is accelerating. The agents of hell are firmly entrenched in your country.” –
Our Lady, April 10, 1972 

"My children, I counsel you again to retain your sacramentals and wear them. You cannot be without your armor in this battle. The evil is accelerating. Lucifer will make a concerted effort to stop you. I am, as your Mother, preparing you for this battle by guidance from My Son in the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit of light.” –
Our Lady, August 19, 1978 

"My child, the evil is accelerating. We have watched the development throughout your world.
"You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your clergy. Do not be con­cerned, My child, if the Message from Heaven is not accepted by all. You must understand human nature. A message will be rejected, My child, when it meets with disfavor or is not under­stood. Therefore, you will give the message and pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten those who read this message.
"Our hearts are greatly saddened by the evils and abomina­tions being committed in the houses of God throughout the world. Man has given himself to all pleasures of the flesh. Luxury in your country, My children, has been your downfall, for you have forgotten your God and you have starved your soul.” –
Our Lady, December 6, 1975 

"The world has continued upon its disastrous course. The evil is accelerating. The good people, many of them are becoming complacent, and a lethargy has set in among some. My children of light, do not become self-satisfied in your gifts, for those who have received graces in abundance, much is expected of them. You must go forward now without slackening the pace of the work. Continue to send out the Messages from Heaven. Each and every child upon earth must hear the word from his God before the end.” –
Jesus, June 10, 1978 

"O My children, many cures of spirit, many cures of body have been given, and have passed by unnoticed by those who would have the most influence to do good. Pray, My children, for your bishops; they do not understand nor believe. They have become ensnared by satan; they have risen high above your world in knowledge--so high that they have tried to transcend into the mysteries of Heaven, and have found hell!
"Scientists and men of knowledge, ever seeking but never coming to the truth!
"My children, many warnings have been given and are being given to mankind, and many more shall be given. The evil in your world is accelerating. Know that all the forces of hell are loosed now upon earth. The full reign of Mr. 666 is on!” –
Our Lady, May 26, 1976 

"My child and My children, We are fully aware of the increase of attacks upon My Mother and upon all the children of the light who shall find it a true crucifixion to remain upon earth.
"My children, I have told you in the past that this is a time of war of the spirits. It is a war far deadlier than any human war using man-made implements upon earth. For now, My children, we are in a war engaged with satan for souls. The eternal light is now being tested upon every human being of conscionable age upon earth. My children, the evil is accelerating. This can only mean that the Ball of Redemption cannot be held back. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption! Do not scoff at My words, O you who have rejected the light, for the skin shall burn from your bodies and blow away!
"My children, as in the past, you are deaf to My calling to you for penance. My Mother has accepted a heavy penalty to rescue you, for She is doing this mission at Her expense, as She listens to all of the blasphemy against Her and Her nature of purity and holiness.” –
Jesus, May 30, 1978 

"My child, mankind has lost the knowledge of the value of suffering. Many shall not turn to their God, My child, until they are forced to their knees with suffering.
"The spirit of darkness--the prince of darkness--has set his forces upon your world, and the evil is accelerating.
"While mankind seeks peace, he prepares for war. He consorts with the enemy for the destruction of souls. He consorts with the enemy for the destruction of nations. For power and darkness of spirit, many shall die.” –
Our Lady, September 13, 1975 

"My children, because of sin, insanity is now encompassing the minds of men; satan has poisoned many minds. Scientists are ever seeking but never coming to the truth! Scientists are trying to create a life that is not in any way the nature of mankind. Man is seeking and shall destroy his nature.
"My children, unless you pray more, unless you do penance and acts of atonement now, I cannot hold back the punishment, the Chastisement from mankind any longer. As your days proceed, evil is accelerating and the chastisements, minor and major, shall increase. There will be earthquakes in divers places; there will be floods and pestilence, and there will be the eruption of the elements. My children, My counsel to you shall all come to pass.” –
Our Lady, June 4, 1977 

"My child and My children, We have looked upon the world now and find that We are fast approaching the latter days. This will be a time of toil for all. Those who will work with Me shall be called now disciples of the latter days. Already, My children, you have gathered for some time. You all know who I am speaking to at this time. I say again, all those who have been picked from among Our vineyard of souls upon earth to come forward as disciples in the latter days to defend the Faith, to remain faithful and true under siege, shall gain Heaven and immortal life. You will find life everlasting with the Father.
"However, I acknowledge the fact that, My child, I have taken you from your home in a weak state; but you know how urgent it was from Our discourse with you all day today, My child, that you get here this evening. For the evil is accelerating in the world. We cannot hold back the Chastisement much longer. The Father has at the foot of His throne the Ball of Redemption.” –
Jesus, October 2, 1989 

"My child, I have cautioned you in the past and I repeat Myself for your welfare and the continued progress of your work, your mission from Heaven, to close your ears to those who seek to destroy the Mission from Heaven with idle tales of gossip and untruth. Know, My child, that satan is staging his final battle against all of the children of God. The warnings given from Heaven have not been accepted by all, but I assure you, My children, that soon--and very soon, I say--you will all be forced to your knees.
"There is an accelerating web of evil that is extending itself into the lives of every man, woman, and child now upon your earth.” –
Our Lady, December 24, 1976 

"The state of the world that is now steeped in murders and all manner of foul deeds, reaching into the judicial systems of the world--this state has been brought about by the fall of mankind to sin. For when man seeks to build a world without his God, relying only on human knowledge and instinct, he can only meet with a sorrowful end.
"As I told you in the past, it will be father against son, mother against daughter, division in the homes, as this will be a product of the accelerating evils.” –
Our Lady, March 18, 1978 

"I do not have to repeat to you the numerous warnings of the calamities that are to come upon mankind. All warnings were given as conditional. However, the groups of sheep have scattered and must be unified against the onslaught of evil that is accelerating and in My Church. I appeal to you, My children, to go forward in prayer and sacrifice and to approach Our pastors as disciples of Heaven. It is not the desire of the Eternal Father to set the Chastisement upon mankind. However, the Eternal Father will chastise those He loves.
"It is only through great suffering that your nation will emerge from the mire of sin and evil that it has led itself into by disregarding the warnings of My Mother through your years upon earth.”
– Jesus, April 10, 1976 

"My child, no color could portray the condition of your earth and its peoples. A great darkness of spirit has settled upon earth.
"There will be much revolution among Our children, the nations of the world.
"The evil is accelerating. It will be father against son, brother against brother, and sister against sister. There will be much disunity in the home.
"The forces of evil travel with the sickle and the hammer. Unless a country is given to servitude of its God by prayer, penance, and atonement, it cannot withstand the forces of evil!” –
Our Lady, August 21, 1975 

"The rules for mankind were given from the beginning by the Eternal Father. They were commands from Heaven, commands to be followed through love, commands that only can be followed through love, for fear does not beget love. If you will seek the light, you will not remain in darkness; but if you prefer, in your human frailty, to remain in the darkness, shall you have the time to come out of this darkness?
"I say unto you, and I repeat My Mother's counsel to you, that the time is growing short. There will be set upon mankind trials, disturbances of nature accelerating in time, disturbances of nature that go far beyond scientific explanation.
"My children, the hand of your God is descending. With patience the Eternal Father watches, never wishing that even one be lost to Him. The sheep are scattering; the shepherds have fallen asleep. And now, in this crucial hour, new shepherds will come forward. They will be of humble beginnings, with great humility and love of their God.
"O My children, how long can you expect a reprieve? Far beyond what man has ever conceived in his human mind will he experience the Ball hurtling down upon earth, and earth shall be planet struck!” –
Jesus, May 30, 1977 

"My child and My children, there are scoffers who will say there shall not be a Third World War. They do not know and cannot conceive of the plan of the Eternal Father. Be it known now that the Father has great heart for all His children, but when the sin reaches a peak only known to the Father, the amount of sin among mankind, then the Father will take action. He will allow you to go upon your reprobate way until there will be few souls to save upon earth, for the others will have died in battle and also at the hands of a corrupt generation of the young.
"Fathers will be attacked by their sons; mothers shall find death at the hands of their children. This has been told to you many years ago, but too few listen until the evil comes into their homes. Then it is too late. Protect your children from the evil that is fast accelerating throughout the world. Your country, the United States of America, and Canada shall not be free from invasion. That is why you must pray a constant vigil of prayer going throughout the whole world, and you must turn back from your sin or you will die!
"My child and My children, I wish in My heart that I could bring to you a more bright and cheerful message, but that would not be true, for there is at this time too many souls falling into hell--souls that listened, but somehow turned back onto the wide road, the road to perdition.” –
Our Lady, May 28, 1983 

"My children, parents, I caution you again to take full charge of the rearing of your children by good example and giving them a true foundation for their faith, by bringing to your children the knowledge of their God and the commandments of their God.
"There is little upon earth now, My children, little in penance and atonement in comparison to the world's millions of people to make restitution for these offenses to the Eternal Father, little to hold back the accelerating evil and the great warnings and chastisements that will be given to mankind in an effort to awaken him from his errors and sin.
"These are the days spoken of and written of through countless years of earth's times. These are the latter days, and there will be a crucible of suffering. The saints shall come out of the fires of suffering.”
– Jesus, July 25, 1977 

"The world, the peoples of earth, My children, are in great darkness of spirit. Were this darkness to reach only the lay peoples, there would be not that much concern, My children, but now My heart is torn to watch as those dedicated go deeper into darkness. It is a scale that is graduating through leadership. The evil is accelerating. Satan is poisoning the minds of many. Those in leadership, who should know better, are now using their rank to destroy souls. The measure of iniquity is the gauge, the scale, for the coming Warning and Chastisement.
"My children, listen well to the direction of My Mother. My Mother has gone throughout your world through countless eras of earth-time, crying out in a voice coming from the very depths of Her Mother's heart to you, Her children, to turn from your present course that is setting you onto your own destruction. When the world and My Church unite as one, know that the end has been reached.” – Jesus, December 7, 1976

"The Message from Heaven shall go throughout the world”
"The Message from Heaven shall go throughout the world. The message must enter upon the ears of every man, woman, and child in the world. My children, this message I give to you of free heart. No man has a monopoly, or shall use this for his own gain or advancement. My message is of free heart and it must enter into the hearts of man. By their fruits shall they be known. Know, My child, that it is a great struggle against satan.
"The world is fast heading to the Chastisement, and the evil is accelerating throughout the world. My child, I beg you to continue your mission of praying for your priests, your bishops, and your cardinals. Pray for them constantly. The vigils of atonement and prayer meetings must not be discontinued upon these grounds.
"My counsel, My child, to you shall be given in photographs and in manners that the Eternal Father shall choose.
"Your bishops and your cardinals need prayers. There must be hours of atonement and sacrifice for them. I have called to you to come onto the grounds of My Shrine site in Bayside, and I have directed you to maintain these prayer hours upon these grounds for your cardinals and bishops.” –
Our Lady, May 28, 1977


Next directive:  #397 - End of the Era 

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