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"She, the Virgin Mother, [is] the treasurer [sequestra] of all graces with God." - Pius XI, Apostolic Letter, Galliam, Ecclesiae filiam, March 2, 1922
"You will
continue to pray for your cardinals, your bishops, your priests, My Son's
Church, His House upon earth. By your example many will be saved. By your
prayers and example there is salvation for others. Continue now with your
prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed, for the world is in great
spiritual darkness. Satan has poisoned many minds.
"You will all now go forward as apostles of My Son, disciples of the
latter days, under the banner of 'Our Lady of the Roses, Mary, Help of
Mothers.' Many will come to join you. The Message from Heaven has now
reached all corners of the earth. Many voices are sending out the news, the
good news to mankind.
"It is just about time now, My child, for the world now to be tested.
My Son's hand has now been withdrawn and the tribulation is coming upon
mankind. Many will be taken and spared the terrible sorrows ahead." -
Our Lady, June 18, 1980
"My child and My
children, I call to you now and say again: a constant vigilance of prayer
must be made throughout the world--not just the
"That is why I say, and I say again: you must read all of the
messages given from Heaven through the past years, or you will not be saved.
Much is being overlooked due to the quantity of messages. Therefore, you
will start from the beginning and go forward up to the present date. This
will also be in the printing, My children. You will start from the beginning
and go forward up to the present date." -
Our Lady, October 6, 1988
"My child and My
children, My heart is very sad that I must bring you this urgent but final
Message from Heaven. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix from God
to man all about your world, the earth, crying out warnings from Heaven to
mankind, warnings that only a few have heeded. And now the hour is
approaching, the hour of darkness and sadness. Many parents shall have tears
of anguish brought into their homes by the coming events.
"My children, please, as your Mother I ask you in all charity to go
forward and warn your brothers and sisters to prepare for great persecution.
There will be many catastrophes now befalling your earth until the great
Warning, and then the final Chastisement. O My children, will you not listen
to Me!" -
Our Lady, November 20, 1978
"My child and My children, the hour is upon mankind, the beginning of the
end of time. My child and My children, you must now pray more and be ever
alert to the signs that will be given to you in the days ahead.
"My Mother has been upon earth for many years trying to avert mankind
from the major Chastisement, a chastisement that has been given in many
writings and prophecies through countless earth-years. We have chosen upon
earth many seers to go forth with this Message from Heaven.
"My children, I cannot impress you more with the urgency of going
faster forward in the time that is left, forward to save your brothers and
sisters. I ask you to approach My priesthood. Bishops and cardinals must now
accept all of the Message from Heaven, even though it will bring about
controversy among them. For it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal
against cardinal. For all that is rotten will fall and must not be retained.
"I will not repeat over again the direction from Heaven, but I will
say unto you: prepare now, for you will receive the Warning before many will
die in the flame of the Ball of Redemption." -
Jesus, November 20, 1978
"We have set among you
many messengers to prepare you with the words from Heaven. Many have been
forced to discontinue their mission, much to Our sorrow. Those souls will be
unaccountable for, unless those in the light recover them for Us.
"The message must now reach all cardinals in the holy House of God.
The darkness is deepening, and the man of dark secrets is being prepared for
the Seat of Peter. You must all go down now on your knees and pray. Do
penance for your offenses now, while you have the time.
"The aberrations and abominations being committed in the holy House
of God have had no precedence from the time of Noe, and before the time of
Noe. The offenses to your God call down justification for the end of your
civilization. Man in your country and in the world has made sin a way of
life." -
Our Lady, September 14, 1972
"The major downfall in the House of God lies with the
fact, My child, that the
pastors prefer worldly living with world treasures, never counting the
merits needed to enter the eternal
"Pastors, do you reject the Message from Heaven because you fear it?
Or do you prefer to ignore it because it will expose your error?
False pride, My children, is the downfall of many. Cast aside this worldly
pride! You have only one to face when you come over the veil: it is the
judgment of the Eternal Father.
"You owe, My children, no allegiance to man who offends the Eternal
Father. The Commandments given by the Eternal Father must be followed.
"My child, you must hasten to make it known to the world that satan
has employed many agents to enter into the bodies of those in the highest
places of My Son's Church. They will deceive with cunning; they will
rationalize sin until satan has his great count of souls. Too late they will
turn back and cry, but their cries for mercy will come too late to save
them. Many mitres shall fall into hell." -
Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"We do not come to you
and send prophets of doom to you without reason. I use this expression, My
children, as We have heard it repeated many times by those who do not
understand, or reject My Mother's messages. We come to you to give you this
last chance to restore your nation and the nations upon earth; for if you do
not restore them, I assure you, My children, I shall place the final
judgment upon you.
"Clergy in My House, I have looked upon most of you and found you
wanting, for you have given yourselves over to all pleasures of the flesh.
You have become arrogant and self-seeking, neither watching nor caring as
your sheep scatter. Woe unto the man, whether he be clergy or layman, who
defiles the young!
"My children, you must pray more for your clergy. They, too, receive
heavy attacks from satan. They have not been given a special passport to
Heaven. They need your help and your prayers." -
Jesus, November 1, 1977
"My child, there is little
that I could extend glee for. I do not come to bring you a message of
doomsday, as My Mother does not come for that reason. We bring you the
truth. Can We open before you a picture of joy, peace and brotherhood, when
all about Us We see deception and evil and the fast working of satan within
your hearts?
"O My children, I will not go into a long discourse with you of the
evil aberrations and all manner of deceit that has entered into the hearts
of mankind, soul destroyers more numerous than in the days of
"As a
voice-box from Heaven, My child, you must not have fear in giving the
message. It is not your voice or your mind that you have placed upon paper
and upon your tapings; it is My voice and the voices from Heaven that cry
unto you now: turn back, for you are all on the road to your own
"My Son has been sorrowed; He has been wounded anew by the conduct of
those He has chosen to represent Him in His Church upon your earth. O My
children, the abominations cry out for punishment from Heaven.
"Will you not, pastors, take the blindness from your hearts and look
upon the road which you have set yourselves on with your arrogance and pride
and your searching for worldly knowledge and your searching for worldly
gain? What will it do you when you stand before My Son and He will ask
account of your mission? Will you stand before Him and say that your mission
was completed with purity and the recovery of souls? No! Many of you now
have set yourselves upon the road to perdition and you are taking many
others with you." -
Our Lady, May 15, 1976
"Though the world of fallen man and his nature seeks to still the voice of
My Mother, this he will not succeed in. The words, the Message of Heaven,
shall go throughout the world, and then shall come the end.
"It is not a message of fear that I give you, or My Mother brings to
you. It is a message of hope in your world of desolation. Stand fast in your
Faith! Retire from your world which is now given to satan. Guard your
children well, and We will meet and rejoice in the battle that will be won
with the help of My Mother." -
Jesus, December 6, 1974
have heard the words of scorn and derision that have followed the message
that I give to the world, My child. It is sad that this warning is being
ignored by many. I have come as a Mediatrix between God and man. I have been
sent by the Father to warn you that unless you change your ways and go back
onto the narrow road set forth by the Father, I can no longer hold back the
punishing hand of My Son. There are many seers throughout the world now who
have been given the light and are instruments for the dispersal of My
message throughout the world.
"Priests in the houses of My Son, why do you waste your time trying
to disprove My warnings to the world? You are rationalizing My supernatural
manifestations. Pride and arrogance have set many onto the road to
destruction, soul destruction." -
Our Lady, December 24, 1974
"I came to you, My
children, and gave you, at the command of the Father, a name of the Roses.
The roses, My children, signify the souls, the preservation of life for
eternity in the
"You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and
throughout the world. The great conflagration approaches mankind. The
Father shall chastise those He loves.
"I cannot, My child, bring you a great message of cheer. I can say to
you, I bring you the good news of your salvation. But it is a bittersweet
message for all, My children, for I must also tell you what is to be so that
you may prepare your soul and the souls of all you love." -
Our Lady, January 31, 1976
will, as pastors, awaken from your slumber. The fathers have fallen asleep.
You who mock, you who say, 'Where is His coming?'--I shall come to you.
Without your knowing, I shall slip in upon you like a thief in the night. I
shall speak to you in the language that you will understand--as a thief in
the night!
"I hear the voices of mockers who say, 'Is this a message of scare
and fright?' I hear the mockers of My Mother's words who say We have
promoted a new theology, a scare theology! This fright We are accused of,
shall they experience it when there is no return?
"Amen, amen, I say to you, all that has been written in the Book of
life must come to pass. For you who have been given the grace, you will read
your Apocalypse. You are coming to the end. Read and become knowledgeable."
Jesus, January 31, 1976
"Corruption has entered into the highest places of your government and in My
Son's Church. I say unto you, and I say this with counsel from high, the
Lord high God in Heaven, the Father of all creation, that as you sow so
shall you reap!
"My children, why did you avoid giving My counsel to the world? O you
of little faith in the high places of My Son's House, His Church, why did
you not give My message to the world as I gave it to you? Pride and
arrogance! That is why, My children.
"I counseled you in My visitation to the children at LaSalette that
unless you pray, satan shall enter into the Holy City of Rome, and satan
shall set himself beside My Son's altar! Who cared to listen to My counsel?
Pride! Man filled with pride. Pride is a major sin in the hearts of man. And
pride always came before the fall!
"I counseled you at
"The Message from Heaven has not been given, My children, to bring fear to
your hearts, but to awaken you from your slumber. Many are being misled;
many are accepting error and going like sheep to the slaughter; and many
follow like ducks downstream. And what solution, My children, do you have
now to your problems of discord, disillusionment, and the turning away from
My Son's House, His Church? You must return; you must accept the simple
truth which has been given to you. Tradition is part of this firm
foundation. The modes of modernism and humanism shall destroy the world." -
Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"It must be
known that My Mother's message they will seek to stifle, for they are not of
the light. These misguided bishops and red hats, be they misguided or
fallen, will not allow the world to accept My Mother's mission.
"It is
sad that Her message from afar was not permitted in the medias of your
country. You can fully understand, My child, how controlled now your medias
are." -
Jesus, August 21, 1974
"My child and My children, you cry for peace. I come to you as a Mother of
peace. My messages to you are not to frighten you, but they are to reveal to
you what will happen if you do not act now upon My counsel, My Mother's
counsel to you. I expect you to think of this, and consider what is more
important to you: to have a life filled with glory, and money, and
materialistic things? Do you think, My children, that you will take them
with you? You will come from your world, the earth, with nothing, just as
you arrived in it." - Our Lady,
September 14, 1985
"The Message from Heaven
has not been given, My children, to bring fear to your hearts, but to awaken
you from your slumber. Many are being misled; many are accepting error and
going like sheep to the slaughter; and many follow like ducks downstream.
And what solution, My children, do you have now to your problems of discord,
disillusionment, and the turning away from My Son's House, His Church? You
must return; you must accept the simple truth which has been given to you.
Tradition is part of this firm foundation. The modes of modernism and
humanism shall destroy the world." -
Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"The Message from Heaven has reached the Eternal City of Rome. And now, My
children, you will pray that they learn by it, and recover the souls that
shall otherwise be lost to Heaven. Pray for your Vicar, Pope Paul VI; pray
for Our suffering son.
is common knowledge now in the city of
"My Immaculate Heart, My children, shall protect and guide you in the
days ahead. But the eventual triumph is with Heaven. This, My children of
light, will be your hope for your future, that the triumph of man over evil
is through My Son. Be with Him while you can at the tabernacles of your
world. Comfort Him in His suffering, for He is being recrucified in His own
House." -
Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"The forces of 666
are gathered throughout the world. They seek to destroy your Vicar in
"The hierarchy has been infiltrated by agents of hell. Many have come
posing as angels of light, but with darkness of heart and dark secrets. My
children, you must pray more. We will not at this time make public knowledge
of names, for now We seek the spirit. Names are not necessary; public
castigation is not necessary. We must now, as children of God and light
bearers, go forward and gather the souls with acts of mercy, charity of
heart. And I tell you, My children, prayers must be accompanied with works."
Our Lady, May 30, 1977
"My child and My children,
you do not understand how close you are on the brink of the Third World War,
which could break out any day now. All who are ready will not suffer the
great cataclysm brought on by evil minds. You must all work and pray and do
penance for peace among all nations; for We love Our children and We do not
want to see them die, for many are unprepared and they come without Baptism.
"My child and My children, there must be many missionaries throughout
the world that must help these lost souls, these ignorant souls. It is your
duty as a Catholic, a Roman Catholic, to spread the Message of God and save
some of these poor souls, for each one is a blossom upon the rosebush, and
we cannot let them be trampled on. Love your neighbors as you would love
your children, your family. Love them also as part of your family of
Christian souls upon earth." - Jesus,
June 18, 1984
"Many graces will be
given from this center of atonement. Soon there will be a recognition.
However, My child, you will close your ears and eyes to any glorification of
the world. Know that this is all in the will of the Father and is not the
will of man. However, the prayers of the people have risen to the Father.
They are gathered for the glorification of the Father in the redemption of
souls." -
Our Lady, April 13, 1974
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