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#627 - JUDASES, Part 1

"The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born. And Judas that betrayed him, answering, said: Is it I, Rabbi? He saith to him: Thou hast said it." - St. Matthew 26: 24-25

"There is now a conspiracy forming within the Eternal City of Rome. It is an event that strikes at My heart; it tears My very Being asunder, for this knowledge is of the antichrist forces that planned to take over the city of Rome.
"This conspiracy of evil has been building up through earth-years.  There will be a diminishing of the power of the Vatican. And should, because of the lack of prayers and penance--I say should they progress at their present speed, the city of Rome shall face and experience a bloodbath!
"My child and My children, the hierarchy of the Eternal City know full well of what I speak.
"Because of the number of heretics, because of the number of Judases in My House, there will be allowed this trial upon the Vatican. And I say unto you: because of your lukewarmness and your loss of faith, your Vicar shall be given in sacrifice for the sins of mankind." - Jesus, December 31, 1976

"The Eternal Father has sent Me to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Many have rejected the counsel from Heaven. Do not judge them, but pray for them. Many do not understand because they do not seek the truth, My children.
"My Son's Church, His House upon earth, is undergoing a great trial from within. The numbers of Judases are multiplying in Rome, My children. If this continues there will be a bloodbath in the streets of Rome." -
Our Lady, June 18, 1978 

"There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My child, much error, confusion, and deception. The plan of those who carry on their backs the number 5 of communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal City, gain control in politics in a manner to control the world. They seek to overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and atheism, My child; they seek to overthrow Rome and gain control of the power of the House of My Son throughout the world. They will subvert it from within, My child.
"There are many Judases in My Son's House now. Better that they call themselves 'reds' and be honest. There are many Judases in the houses of My Son throughout the world, and there are many who have placed their heads in the clouds. Their minds are befogged by satan, and their minds are poisoned by satan. They spread error, confusion, and lies." -
Our Lady, October 6, 1976 

"Your city of evil [New York City] will crumble into the dust. Your world leaders, who are godless murderers, will fall to the sword. The Judases in My Son's House shall fall to the sword. There are many Judases in My Son's House. Do you think We do not see you? You are being tolerated, for you, too, can be saved if you turn from your road to hell.
"Turn back, Romans! Turn back while there is still time. When evil has reached its ultimate, you will be planet-struck. During this trial in cleansing, only a few will be saved." -
Our Lady, May 30, 1972 

"I repeat anew: Michael must be returned in prayer to My Son's House, for Michael will stand guardian over My Son's House.
"Souls are being exchanged for pieces of silver. Judases gather about your Vicar--Judases within the House of God! They have attained great power through the love of money. They have been seduced by the love of money and power. The Father permits them to carry out their plan only until the scale is unbalanced and iniquity has reached its highest point, and they shall be destroyed." -
Our Lady, December 31, 1972 

"Beware of those who parade as angels of light, with ravenous hearts of wolves. I repeat, My children: beware of those who disport themselves in garments of the clergy, but they have not received Holy Orders through the Holy Spirit.
"Recognize the faces of evil about you, My children. The angels of light are many who seek to destroy My Son's Church upon earth. However, this will bring great knowledge and hope to mankind: the word of God is true, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church. Though the walls many crumble, the foundation is firm, for the foundation is My Son. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer throughout your country and your world. Unite in a common front against the enemies of your God.
"Pray for your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. He is surrounded by Judases within his own house and eating at his table.
"Pray for your clergy--your bishops, your cardinals, your pastors. The major attack from satan will be upon the clergy in My Son's houses." -
Our Lady, December 7, 1976 

"My children, parents, protect your families and your children. Keep the light of faith in their hearts. You cannot now expect nor rely upon My clergy, for many are selling their souls to get to the head! Judases in the House of God. Traitors who have risen and grasped doctrines of demons." -
Jesus, July 15, 1978 

"My child and My children, if I could take you with Me to the city of Rome and open the doors for you to see what is taking place, perhaps this knowledge could forestall the advance of 666 and his agents in Rome.
"As a nucleus for religion, the eyes of the world focus upon the Holy City, which is now becoming steeped in darkness. The light has not passed that way.
"My children and My child, in past counsel to you I hastened with great urgency to warn you that My Son shall be recrucified by His own. In the Holy City of Rome many Red Hats have now become the Judases in the hierarchy. As men of the cross they have now won for themselves the title of ‘evil men of the cross.’ Many have entered My Son's House, His Church upon earth, to do harm. I warned you, O pastors, bishops, cardinals, that you have been infiltrated. Your actions now have brought a reverberation from about the world, and it has been in wake of a coming cataclysm and tribulation to mankind." -
Our Lady, September 13, 1978 

"My children, you must understand that satan is at war now with My children and will use every means to close My House, My Church upon earth. The war now is entered upon Rome. There must be direct application of prayer, and knowledge applied through the Spirit of your God.
"My children, understand that, with all of your modernization and your intent for good, you have been deceived by satan. Humanism and modernism is bringing about bad fruits, My children. A great measure of responsibility shall be given among those in My hierarchy in My Church that have allowed these errors to come in.
"The suffering victim soul, your Holy Father, Pope Paul--he accepts his suffering with good heart. And there are many Judases about him who parade themselves as angels of light, but they have ravenous hearts of wolves. In disobedience they have used their rank to destroy from within. It was not in vain that Our Vicar cried out to you, 'There must be cracks within, for the smoke of satan has seeped in.'" -
Jesus, May 20, 1978 

"I must warn you, O you who wear the Red Hat and the Purple Hat, that you have been misled. Many are on the road to perdition. And those who have been given great grace, they must exercise this grace by sharing it with others for the recovery of souls.
"I give fair warning to all that your pursuit of humanism and modernism shall send many from My Church upon your earth. My Son has had His heart torn anew by the many who have cast aside His teachings, who seek to destroy the foundation of His Church, My Son. There are many Judases in His House. It truly rains teardrops from Heaven." -
Our Lady, June 24, 1976 

"My child, it is with deepest sorrow that I must inform Our children at this time that a great trial is approaching the Holy City of Rome. You must all pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your Vicar.
"There are many enemies, Judases, within the ranks. Satan has entered upon those in high places.
"The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order of succession of those who seek to enslave your world." -
Our Lady, May 26, 1976 

"As My Mother has told you countless times in the past, there will be a war. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and all that is rotten shall fall. It is sad but true that there are some now in the Eternal City who have taken the Red Hat with dark purposes.
"You ask, My child, why this has been allowed? It is in the Eternal Father's plan to separate the sheep from the goats. The present course of Our Red Hats and Our Purple Hats leads but to one conclusion: that many mitres shall fall into hell.
"You who have been given the grace, a special calling from the Eternal Father, you who betray Me in My own House, I say to you now: turn back and make amends; do penance; pray a constant vigilance. You must return discipline to your vocation.
"The conspiracy of evil--like an octopus, the arms reach out to destroy My Church. But I say unto you: I am the foundation! The walls are shaking. There are many Judases in My House!
"I have set the angel Extermination upon you. All who are of well spirit shall go through these trials knowing the reason for this test.
"You cannot, you must not condone sin; you shall not rationalize sin until sin has become a way of life among you. It shall be brother against brother and sister against sister. Nation shall rise up against nation. There shall be disturbances of nature of such great magnitude that many lives shall be lost! You will be forced to your knees, and only then, in this time of great trial, will you turn back and look for the light." -
Jesus, April 17, 1976 

"Needless to say, My child and My children, your newspapers and medias of communication are controlled. Yes, a man of dark secrets and spirit will be placed upon the Seat of Peter. Those who have the light know a true Vicar, but those who are in darkness will work for Lucifer.
"Judases in My Church, My House, robbers within My House, selling out for thirty pieces again! I say unto you, you will be allowed your time. The Eternal Father in His merciful heart allows you time to change and come back. Have you not had enough indications and signs from the bad fruits you have produced?
"I must warn you now to tread carefully in the next days, for murderers are among you. And Lucifer has been a murderer from the beginning. O ye of little faith, pride and arrogance in worldly knowledge! But you have closed the door to My sheep! Scattered them, become traitors to the Seat of Peter! I say unto you: You cannot understand, with all of your knowledge and your pride, the ways of the Eternal Father! There is a plan for each and every one of you in Heaven. You shall receive a just punishment for your arrogance, your apostasy, and your destruction of souls." -
Jesus, October 6, 1978 

"My child, I bring to you a sad truth, one that must be made known to mankind. In doing this, My child, you must proceed without fear. It must be made known to mankind. Our dear beloved Vicar, Pope Paul VI, he suffers much at the hands of those he trusts. My child, shout it from the rooftops. He is not able to do his mission. They have laid him low, My child. He is ill, he is very ill. Now there is one who is ruling in his place, an impostor*, created from the minds of the agents of satan. Plastic surgery, My child—the best of surgeons were used to create this impostor. Shout from the rooftops! He must be exposed and removed.
"Behind him, My child, there are three who have given themselves to satan. You do not receive the truth in your country and the world. Your Vicar is a prisoner.
"Antonio Casaroli, you shall condemn your soul to hell! Giovanni Benelli, what road have you taken? You are on the road to hell and damnation! Villot, leader of evil, take yourself from among those traitors; you are not unknown to the Eternal Father. You consort with the synagogue of satan. Do you think you shall not pay for the destruction of souls in My Son's House?
"The Antichrist, the forces of evil, have gathered, My children, within the Eternal City. You must make it known to mankind that all that is coming from Rome is coming from darkness. The light has not passed that way. The appearance in public is not Paul VI, it is the impostor pope. Medication of evil has dulled the brain of the true Pope, Pope Paul VI. They send into his veins poison to dull his reasoning and paralyze his legs. What evil creature have you opened the doors to the Eternal City and admitted? The agents of satan!...
"It is the diabolical plan of satan to have the hate of the world turned to the Vicar, Pope Paul VI, in Rome. The plan of satan is to heap upon his shoulders all the error and wrongdoing; however, those who he has trusted have betrayed him, have now assumed complete control of his mission. There are in figurative language, My child, three popes now in Rome. Three popes, My child, not counting Pope Paul VI: three men who are being directed by satan.
"You cannot accept now what comes from Rome, for they do not come—these bulls and these directions are not written by the pen of Pope Paul VI. They are written by the pen of Benelli and Villot. They have given direction, My children, to Antonio Casaroli to infiltrate into the high places of the public, conducting of emissaries from Rome to all nations of the world, agents of satan. Do you not know now why the good have been persecuted? Do you not know why the hands now shake the hand of the devil, the enemies of God?...
"I must, My child, make it known at this time that you must go back in the immediate years and bring the knowledge to mankind that these changes, the changes that have given bad fruits, have not been given to you through the Holy Spirit and through your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. It is the web of satan reaching out. Many are now, My child, puppets. The strings are being pulled by Benelli, Villot, and Casaroli and their followers." -
Our Lady, September 27, 1975 

*For more information on this astonishing revelation of the impostor pope ruling in the place of Pope Paul VI, see Directive #50 - The Impostor Pope. Also, please read The Deception of the Century, Witness to the Impostor Pope, Why Pope Paul VI is the Pope of the Third Secret, the handwriting analysis of the Vatican's June 26, 2000 document, the Third Secret envelope, and watch our videos on the Third Secret of Fatima and the impostor pope. 

"There are now in the city of Rome many Judases who parade as angels of light. They are deceivers, and their father is the father of all liars, satan.
"O My children, do not discard My warnings, but act upon them. I have come to save you.
"My Son, He is suffering because of the many abominations being committed within His House, His Church.
"Recognize the faces of evil about you, My children. They do not come to you with their true face and spirit. I repeat: they come as angels of light, but they bring doctrines of devils.
"I caution you, pastors of My Son's House, to not involve yourselves in the politics of your world. There must be a separation between you and politics.
"In the Eternal City of Rome, there is gathering a force, a force with a basis of secret societies. I admonish you, as your Mother, to remain free from these secret societies. It is for good reason that the leaders within My Son's House have always warned in the past against these secret societies and the dangers to the Faith." -
Our Lady, November 1, 1976

"The Faith is being attacked in My House upon earth, My Church, and many of My clergy are falling into the plan with the octopus, the great world powers that seek to gather all nations into a rule of a one-world government and a one-world religion based on humanism and modernism. However, this shall not be set in motion to a conclusion with the loss of souls. This shall not be set in motion because the Eternal Father will send a Warning to mankind, a great Warning of such magnitude that very few will doubt that it comes from the Eternal Father and is not man-made.
"Your scientists are rising, seeking to go above all creation, seeking knowledge that will bring men down from their peak. And they will fall fast into hell, the abyss, eternal damnation.
"The human nature of man is corruptible, and when this corruption flows into the soul, the spirit, then what shall a man do but become a stooge, an agent of hell. Many, for the love of power and money, have given themselves over to being Judases in My Church, My House. No man is hidden from the eyes of the Eternal Father, for He has counted each hair on your head." -
Jesus, July 25, 1978 

"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978

"There is to come upon Rome a great trial, My child. The forces of evil have gathered. They will seek in the coming new year to remove your Holy Father, Pope Paul VI, from his rule. Already he has become, My child, but a figurehead in his own house, for there are many Judases about him--many who, for the love of money and power, have sold their souls to get to the head.
"Woe, woe, woe to the man who casts aside his role as a representative of My Son to accept silver and gold, and in like manner, has sold My Son. His Church will proceed through a great crucible of suffering, for a House in darkness, My children, wears a band of death about it." -
Our Lady, November 20, 1976 



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