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#65 - THE HOME, Part 1
"Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family." - St. Angela Merici
"The Eternal Father desires the return of His commandments to the homes."
- Jesus, November 24, 1973
"Your children shall seek and not find the light unless as a parent you bring
discipline and the knowledge of your God within your homes to your children. Do not expect
others to nurture, to feed the souls of your children." - Our Lady, September 6, 1975
"Your children must be taught at home, given a firm foundation of the truth, the
knowledge of their Faith. You must instill in their hearts the love of God before the love
of any man." - Our Lady, October 6, 1979
"You will all make a concerted effort to teach your children from the Book of life
and love, your Bible. And I say unto you, do not use the changed versions, for they have
been changed by satan." - Jesus, November 21, 1977
"The greatest teacher in the home will be the example of the parents." - Our
Lady, August 5, 1973
"A family that prays together will stay together! Without God in your home there will
be separation and discord. A home in this fight with Lucifer cannot survive without prayer
and dedication to your God." - Our Lady, June 18, 1979
"Remember: one Rosary a day, at least--at least, I say, must be prayed in the home
that is to be spared." - Jesus, April 14, 1984
"You must be sure that your children wear their sacramentals, for when they leave
your homes, the safety and armament of your own home, they then set forth into the world
that has been given now to satan." - Our Lady, September 14, 1979
"It's an abomination in the eyes of your God for parents to have pornography in their
homes. They warp the minds of the young and shut the Kingdom of Heaven from them; the
doors remain closed." - Jesus, July 25, 1979
"My child, you will make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is
the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household. A woman
of earth shall not cast aside her role as mother and housekeeper. In her role as mother,
she shall be the guardian of her children's souls and a helpmate of her husband, and a
guardian also of his earthly soul and the soul eternal. By her example in her household,
she has the power, as woman, for good or evil. She shall stay in her home and guide her
children." - St. Joseph, July 15, 1975
"You will bring back the adages of old of 'Spare the rod, and you will spoil the
child.' Discipline must be returned to the homes." - St. Joachim, July 25, 1973
"Are there many strong homes left?... No, My children, the standards have been
lowered. And when the standards are lowered, satan takes over." - Jesus, June 6, 1987
"Parents, I ask you now to get rid of the infernal machines in your homes! I warned
you ... that this will be a point of destruction for your children. If you, at least--I
ask at least, which is the least you can do, is to monitor what your children are seeing.
Satan has created the infernal tube. Heaven did not deem it to be in the homes of the
just." - Jesus, June 18, 1991
"As it was in the days of old, the angel of death shall pass by those who retain the
monuments in their homes."
- Our Lady, May 18, 1977
"Why cannot we have our children pure of thought and mind?... This belongs not in the
schools, but in the homes. This is an obligation of the parents." - Jesus, October 2,
"Remember, My children, the Exorcism to Saint Michael must be repeated daily in your
homes!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1977
"Use these waters abundantly from the fonts in My Son's houses, churches, for they
have great power over evil. Bless your homes and your children daily." - Our Lady,
September 28, 1974
"The angel of death will approach the homes of many. Are you prepared now? Have you
set your house in order?" - Our Lady, May 26, 1979
"Big girls, there is so much the mothers could teach them. They do not sew anymore.
They do not play the instruments of music. Better they play this way than to go out and
find the creations of satan." - St. Theresa, October 2, 1974
"My child, I wish that you boil the water in your home.... It must be boiled, because
the contamination of chemicals and waste matter." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985
"There will be many false prophets going throughout the world.... Protect your homes
as they come knocking upon your doors. I do not ask you to be abrupt and uncharitable, but
do not allow these false witnesses into your household to destroy the souls of your
children." - Our Lady, June 9, 1979
"Will you not, parents, bring the knowledge of their guardians to them? If they must
go out into your world, which has been given to satan, they must have their guardians with
them." - Our Lady, August 14, 1975
"You must remove from your homes these diabolical agents of hell, the recordings of
Lucifer, that will put into your child a spell, a hypnotism leading to promiscuity,
deviant sex, homosexuality, drugs, murders, abortions, and all manner of foul deeds that
could only be conceived in the mind of the prince of darkness, Lucifer himself." - Our
Lady, September 14, 1979
"Your only refuge would be your home. You will have to bar the doors against
evil." - Our Lady, June 17, 1971
"My children, I have asked you all to consecrate your homes to the Sacred Heart of My
Son for reason. You will need all of the protection available in sacramentals and graces
to withstand the onslaught of this evil." - Our Lady, May 13, 1978
"My children, you are fast approaching a great Warning and Chastisement. Prepare your
homes well. Prepare the souls of your children." - Jesus, December 31, 1977
"All who keep a crucifix on the front and rear door will not suffer the effects of
the Chastisement." - Our Lady in locution, February 7, 1994
"How many shall be prepared? Do you have your candles? Do you have your water, your
canned food, and your blankets? It will become an extremely cold day with the start of the
tribulation, and you will welcome having these on hand, My children." - Jesus,
November 1, 1985
Next Directive: #66 - The Passion of Christ (Part 2)
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November 02, 2021