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"So you also, when you shall see these things come to pass, know that the kingdom of God is at hand. Amen, I say to you, this generation shall not pass away, till all things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." - St. Luke 21: 31-33

"Do not test My words, My children, for the penance is heavy for disobedience to the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980

"I have warned you in the past, and in all charity of heart I counsel you again to pray a constant vigilance of prayer and not spend your time gathering riches and power upon your earth. I assure you, My children, that if you force My hand upon you, all will be rubble. Your riches will become as naught. Better that you gather your riches that cannot be destroyed upon earth, the supernatural graces and riches to store for your entrance over the veil. It will be but a short time now before many of you who hear My voice and reject it or accept it will be passing over the veil. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Are you ready, My children? I repeat: Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption! Are you ready, My children?" - Jesus, June 1, 1978 

"Do not test My mercy, My children, for your penance will be most severe." - Jesus, August 21, 1970 

"My children of the earth, you are fast approaching a great War. The gauge that measures the extent of a chastisement upon mankind is carried as a balance for the extremity or the lessening of this chastisement.
"My child, Veronica, and My children, you are already at war: a war of the spirits, the supernatural. However, because many have failed to listen to the counsel of My Mother, you are fast approaching a war far greater and more destructive than mankind has ever experienced in the past. And without the counsel from Heaven being adhered to, the directions strictly followed, many will die upon earth, and nations shall disappear from the face of your earth." - Jesus, December 24, 1979 

"O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth. I repeat again. My child Veronica, you repeat now in your weakened state, again: the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children.
"The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987

"The truth in Faith and Tradition has been given to mankind. Change shall bring nothing but error, confusion, and the destruction of souls. If you, My pastors, continue upon your present course, you will bring the bark of Peter through rough seas. You are now setting it afloat, and in your plan known to Heaven, you prefer to send the captain away, and allow the bark of Peter to flounder. However, yea I say unto you, O ye of little faith, I know I remain within you regardless of your rejection of Me. When I chose you from among men to represent Me upon earth, you were a special one; and regardless of your rejection of the light, I shall use you, My pastors, for no evil shall ever be triumphant.
"Awaken from your slumber, My pastors. You are misleading My sheep. The truth lies hidden deep in your heart. Open your hearts to the light. Do not reject this light and bring darkness upon your world, darkness of spirit.
"All manners of abomination are being committed in My House under the guise of false humanism and modernism. Were you not warned in the past about the errors that can be set loose by these methods? You reject them because of science. You rationalize sin until sin has become a way of life upon your earth. And what does it gain you as you run about, going to and fro gathering your coins, filling your coffers, building great palaces. And for what? To be destroyed because of sin, lacking a true purpose. And what form of religion and worship are you building? A utopia of man? No! I say unto you: you are fast plunging to your own destruction." - Jesus, September 28, 1976 

"Persevere in the days ahead, My children. Do not slacken in your quest for souls. My Mother shall always be with you in the battle ahead. She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Do not reject Her message as you have done in the past. Can you not learn from your past in your history? Must you continue to make the same errors?
"Now you are bargaining with the final count, My children. For as night will turn into day, and day will fall into darkness, that day will come when you will cry out for mercy, and it will be too late. The Ball of Redemption shall take from your earth three-quarters of mankind. Your country, America the beautiful, has not witnessed a massive scale of destruction and death. Is this what you call down upon yourselves? You, My children, hold the balance." - Jesus, September 28, 1976 

"The good pastors of My Son's House have always warned of the danger of modernization and modernism, for modernism shall always lead to heresy. Modernism shall cause the Faith to darken and be lost in the hearts of many. And modernism shall lead to atheism, My children. Awaken from your slumber and recognize the signs of the times. The red forces are gathering throughout your world. Communism shall be the scourge of mankind.
"Through countless years upon your earth, I have cried out in warning to you. O My children, keep your sacramentals about you. Accept and do not reject the Sacraments of My Son's House: Baptism, Confirmation, the Holy Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. And Matrimony, My children--you reject the natural laws of your God. You are substituting a pagan way of life!
"These laws were given by your God. These rules were given by your God; they are not man-made! You in your arrogance, O pastors who rule within My Son's House, you have rejected the supernatural. You reject the teachings the very founding Fathers of your Church gave unto you, and you reject them for a modern teaching of satan!" - Our Lady, November 1, 1976

"My children, as the short time left goes on, you will find a complete withdrawal from sanctity in your world. Man will give himself to pleasures of the flesh; sin shall be a way of life, and the good shall be persecuted. But you must remember in this persecution: persevere and you will be saved!
"Do not compromise your Faith; do not sell your soul to get to the head, for you gain nothing. Your life upon your earth is but a temporary pilgrimage. You have been placed on your earth to do honor to your God. You must live your life for your God and not for man.
"Each day of your life must begin with prayer and end with prayer. Accept all of the graces that are given to you freely. Do not reject the means given to you through your Sacraments." -
Jesus, February 10, 1977 

"Do not reject the institutionalized Church of My Son, just because there are some who have lost the way, just because some have entered into My Son's Church to bring about discredit and destroy from within. Do not judge My Son's Church by the man and the men who run it, but remember My Son is always with you.
"Prepare, My children of light, for a great time of persecution. It will come about that all who follow My Son shall be labeled as 'crazy,' 'fanatical,' 'having hallucinations,' and all other manners to commit them and take them from society, a society that is ruled by Lucifer." - Our Lady, November 25, 1978

"My children, I have warned the nations that the abomination of murders of the young must be discontinued. For measure for measure We are counting these abominations, and the punishments and chastisements shall be metered in accordance with the numbers of murders of the young. No city shall escape the just wrath of an angry God." - Jesus, June 18, 1977

"Your world cries, 'peace, peace' where there is no peace. You consort with devils. The word of an atheist is not binding. The promises of an atheist are not true. You are falling in with the plan like sheep to the slaughter.
"Your city of evil will crumble into the dust. Your world leaders, who are godless murderers, will fall to the sword. The Judases in My Son's House shall fall to the sword. There are many Judases in My Son's House. Do you think We do not see you? You are being tolerated, for you, too, can be saved if you turn from your road to hell.
"Turn back, Romans! Turn back while there is still time. When evil has reached its ultimate, you will be planet-struck. During this trial in cleansing, only a few will be saved." - Our Lady, May 30, 1972

"You agents of satan murder! Yes, you murder the little ones. Next you will choose the aged and infirm. Vile vipers of the abyss! The command of the Father is, 'Thou shalt not kill!' Hell will overflow with your souls!
"Let no man take from you the truth of the invisible world. The Chastisement is imminent, for man has grown deaf." - Our Lady, December 7, 1970

"Veronica, My child, you will continue your mission. Many prayers are needed. Already the plan for the separation of the goats from the sheep has started. Great trials will be placed upon a generation that has hardened its heart and turned a deaf ear to its God." - Jesus, September 13, 1973 

"The lukewarmness of many of Our clergy and the laity--the lay peoples of Our houses throughout the world, the churches, My child--leave much to be desired. It is by their example that many souls are being placed onto the road to perdition.
"Man shall not use his rank to mislead! Man shall not change the rules of his God, change them to satisfy the basic fallen nature of mankind. Man must change himself to please his God!
"We find in the leadership of Our Church many who have fallen into darkness of spirit, many who have given themselves to the modes of the world, involved in the destructive following of humanism and modernism!
"Many of your leaders of the past who were pure of heart, intention, and dedication, warned you of these errors. But you have turned a deaf ear to their warnings, for in your arrogance you seek to build a new house upon your earth.
"My Church, My House, was given to you in entirety. There is no need now to change. The only change necessary now, My children, is to go back and restore the light." - Jesus, June 5, 1975

"Now, My child, My Mother made it known to you about the AIDS epidemic. There will be a cure for mankind as soon as We see the legislative bodies and those politicians of the world, who are at this time causing the abortions with their moneys and their funding, especially in the United States--abortion is murder, and as such you shall all be condemned as murderers at the time of your death unless you repent now of your sin! The Eternal Father sends each and every soul upon earth.
"Repeat again, My children, to those hardened hearts and deaf ears that will not listen, no matter what. They must be then attacked by prayer. They have to be--prayers so numerous that I would advise that the Rosary be upped in every home. Parents, your children--please, have them pray!" - Jesus, June 18, 1990

Veronica - Now I see a group of people around a large table. They look like they are in conference, but these people are not from one country. It seems like they're from various countries, and they're having a conference of some kind. And across in the center of the first table there is a placard, a sign, and written on it is: "THE FATE OF THE UNITED STATES." Now these people, they don't look very nice; they look evil. I do recognize some orientals. It is as though they are sitting in and planning the fate of the United States.
Now it's growing dark, and Our Lady is coming forward. Oh, I can't see these people. Now Our Lady is coming forward, and the light is very bright. It's beautiful. Our Lady is standing on the right side of the flagpole.
Our Lady - "My child, you are viewing a great conspiracy. Do not be affrighted by what you see. Place all in the care of My Son.
"Yes, My child, know that there is a conspiracy to remove My message from among mankind. It grieves Me much to know that so many have hardened their hearts and are blind to the truth." - July 25, 1974

"The world, My child, will refuse the supernatural manifestations of the Father. It is only because they have hardened their hearts and are allowed by the Father to be blinded. How sad to know that those who have been given the power to obtain great graces have chosen to cast them aside. Pray much for them, My children, for without your prayers they will never come back to the road to the Kingdom." - Our Lady, May 22, 1974

"I understand the great emotional strain this knowledge has brought to you, My child. But you will continue to shout it from the rooftops. The strength will be given you. Every message from Heaven must be duplicated and sent out in great haste. The time is growing short. The enemy is at your door!
"Yes, My child and My children, My voice has not weakened, but My heart is more torn. For how many years have I traveled throughout your world pleading with you, as a loving Mother, to listen to Me. And how many have listened to this counsel from Heaven? How many have hardened their hearts, closed their ears, so involved in worldly pursuits and pleasure.
"Pride, arrogance, lust, money, murders--all manner of corruption is set upon mankind because he will not listen. I will not say cannot listen--he will not listen. Therefore, he who will not listen must receive a just chastisement, so his ears will be forcefully opened, and he will bend his knee to his God." - Our Lady, June 18, 1981 

"As in the days of Sodom, as in the days of Noe, My children, history repeats itself. You have learned nothing from the past, for you rebuild your future on sin to the point, My children, where you have eliminated a future.
"I hear words of mockery and derision; I hear words of My children who do not wish to accept the Message from Heaven. And why? Because they have hardened their hearts and closed their ears. And why? Because they love their sin! Many will sell their souls to get to the head. And what does it gain you, for one day you must come across the veil and be judged." - Our Lady, May 26, 1976

"Parents must struggle now to retain the Faith in the lives of their children. You must accept the responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. Teach them; prepare them; fortify them against the rigors of the attacks of satan when they leave the comfort and the safety of their homes. Do not expect your pastors to guide you now. Many have fast fallen into darkness, and must be brought out themselves.
"You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer. Pray for your priests; pray for your pastors; pray for your children.
"My voice is carried throughout your world, and many have hardened their hearts and closed their ears. And why? Because pride and arrogance have blinded them to the truth. Only prayer, penance, and atonement can bring them back." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976

"Pray much, My children, for you do not know what lies before you. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice! I have wandered throughout your world shedding tears, bitter tears of sorrow upon My children who have failed to listen to My pleas. I have come to save you from what you have led yourselves to--your own destruction. I have given you the plan for your salvation. I have set Myself as victim for you before the Father, begging an extension of time for your repatriation. Many We have reached, but many have turned away in mockery, and have hardened their hearts and deafened their ears to Our pleas. All Heaven will watch the battle ahead. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption." - Our Lady, December 24, 1973

"My children, you must pray now and do much penance. A great War is approaching mankind, a war in which nations shall vanish from the earth. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth who have neither counseled the young nor sought to change the course of destruction that they have allowed to progress on. Because of their love of materialism and their love of what they call humanism, and their love of worldly gain in power, man has now been abandoned by the forces of light to seek his own way now, a way that he has chosen to be covered with errors and spiritual darkness.
"My children, I beg of you as your Mother--I come to you from Heaven as a Mediatrix between God and man; you must listen to Me now. I warned you in the past that your medias of communication are controlled. The only guide you will have now are the messages from Heaven, given through various seers, and other miraculous manifestations from the Eternal Father to man.
"Many shall be martyred in the days ahead. Heaven can be gained through martyrdom." - Our Lady, November 24, 1979

"There is great delusion and deception in the world. You must make it known to My clergy that We grieve much over the actions of many. They are leading many of Our sheep onto the road to the abyss. Many do this in obedience; many are misled; but most of all, many are selling their souls to get to the head.
"Those who have the highest rank in My Son's House, in the houses throughout your world, are using their rank to destroy many souls. Pray, pray much for them, for they, too, shall burn in the fires of hell.
"The plan for the arrival of demon 6 is in motion. This will come about when the world and My Son's House, Church, have united as one. Know now when the Church and the world have become one, the end is at hand. You are being warned, and I have warned you many times, My children. But these warnings now will become fewer and fewer, for the hourglass is running low.” – Our Lady, August 14, 1974 

"Continue with your prayers of atonement. They have great power to balance the scales which lean heavily to the left. When the peak of iniquity has been reached, My child, the great Chastisement will fall upon mankind. Shout My Message through the rooftops, My child. The time is growing short. The great Warning is approaching.
"... This situation would not have occurred if satan had not entered upon the media of your life. The corruption within your homes, the corruption within your schools, the laxity of parents in guarding the lives, the souls of their children--all this has come about because of the sins of mankind. Riots in your streets will become commonplace, My children, when the enemies of God bring about your complete fall. Only prayer, sacrifice and atonement can save you, My children." - Our Lady, April 5, 1975 

"All things, My child, shall come to pass as given in your message.
"It would be best for all to read all of the past messages from Heaven. They will come together and make one general compilation of the Message from Heaven.

"Yes, My child, many shall be tested in the days ahead. You must all, My children, fortify your souls with grace. Graces are given freely for the asking. Come, seek, and you shall find the way. My Son is the way and the light. Will you not console His sorrowing heart at your tabernacles throughout your earth? He grows lonely; He is forgotten by many." - Our Lady, December 24, 1975

"The balance is being added to the left. Therefore, when your world has reached the peak of iniquity, you will be planet-struck.* A glorious mystery will be sent upon earth through the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant children. However, this will be the final act to bring you back before the cleansing with fire.
     "We do not intend to completely destroy earth as in the past, but We shall cleanse the earth by steps. Suffering shall be your vessel for cleansing. Man has allowed demons to direct his actions. Man has desecrated the temple of the Holy Spirit by succumbing to the wiles of satan. Man offends his God with his way of life." - Our Lady, April 14, 1973

* See #60 - The Great Comet Chastisement



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