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"Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?" - 2 Corinthians 6: 14-16

"O My children, We beg that you unite against the common enemy of God, who now goes throughout your world like a ravenous wolf seeking all souls to devour.
"I must caution you, My children, of the days ahead. You will be forced to make a choice. The easy way, the way of submission will not set you on the path to Heaven.
"You have been knowledgeable, My child, and enlightened on the fact of the coming Chastisement. There will be many internal disorders in your country, much suffering. Protect your children now within your homes against the evil which is accelerating. The agents of hell are firmly entrenched in your country." - Our Lady, April 10, 1972

"Without due atonement, without penance and sacrifice of many, I cannot any longer hold back the punishing hand of My Son. The Eternal Father, through My Son and the Spirit of light, give fair warning to mankind, as in final warning to your generation, that you must now turn back and restore your earth so that it may be pleasing in the eyes of the Eternal Father in Heaven, or He shall be forced to destroy you.
"My child and My children, do not be affrighted by My words. The world shall not come to an end. The Eternal Father has given His promise to mankind that the world shall never be made extinct again, as in the past with the time of the floods. However, your world shall be cleansed with a baptism of fire. Only a few, in the multitudes upon earth, shall be saved. You have been asked to make a choice between the cross and the serpent. And this choice has also been asked of the clergy in My Son's House, His Church upon earth.
"Cardinals and bishops, you run to and fro, experimenting with your own human reasoning, neither asking nor bending your knee for Divine guidance. For you have become blinded by the pleasures of the flesh, seeking worldly gain; and many are selling their souls to get to the head. Again I say unto you as your Mother--in the words of My Son I repeat to you: what does it gain a man if he gather all of the riches of the world and you--lose his place in the Eternal Kingdom of his God. You cannot have both!" - Our Lady, October 2, 1979

"My Son has seen the defilement that evil man has created. The penance will be severe. Few have heeded My cries. I have wandered the world in tears. Who has sought to ease My anguished heart?
"Now you may look into your own heart and find the answer of the days ahead, for you have made your choice. My Son and I have begged you for atonement, for sacrifice--to deny yourself these temporary pleasures of your earthly life. In many places, in many ways, We have been cast aside." -
Our Lady, April 3, 1971 

"The pagan practices that are being condoned in My Son's House must now stop!
"All high priests of My Son's House will live in the spirit and not be concerned with the politics and worldly living. You will make your choice: you will stand with My Son, or you will be of the world. And you who have been given the graces to represent My Son in this world will be cast aside and condemned with the least for the offenses you are committing against your God!

     "Blindness and the darkness covers the whole of earth. I have looked into the hearts of your countrymen. You offend Me, My children, when you expose your flesh to lustful eyes. You offend the Father when you butcher the souls of innocent children. The bodies are the shell for the spirit. The body is the temple for the spirit. You send the spirit back to the Father when it has not finished its commitment. How dare you set yourself up as God!" - Our Lady, June 18, 1972 

"Already the words of My messengers are being spread throughout the earth. Already I send you signs that you do not recognize. When you all meet with the destruction, it will only be your choice.
"You will keep your Rosary about your neck. You will continue to pray that the evil one does not enter your house. You must turn your back to material things of your world, or you cannot enter Ours. For you cannot have both. I do not expect you to live in poverty, but to recognize better you have poverty of the body than poverty of your soul." - Jesus, July 25, 1971

"My children, I cannot promise you an easy way to the Kingdom. I cannot promise you peace without penance. I can promise you hope, for the eventual victory over evil is with My Son.
"You must now make your choice. The time is now! What was to happen in the future shall be now! The sides are now being divided. My Son's House is now being divided. Shall you restore it now while you have time, or shall you accept slaughter within your country--death, death in such magnitude that there will not be time nor people to bury your dead? The Ball of Redemption will soon be upon mankind, and many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
"Your world cries peace, peace, where there is no peace. You consort with the enemies of your God in My Son's Church! And what have you in common, the light with the darkness? Shall you be unevenly yoked?
"Compromise! Compromise, and you shall fall! You shall not, O pastors, win souls for the Kingdom of your God by compromise! Your example is poor! Shall you stand before My Son and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? Oh no, I say unto you! You shall be cast into the fires of eternal damnation!" - Our Lady, December 24, 1976

"Yes, many of you have cast aside the truth and deny the existence of the other world. How sad when you come over and receive your judgment! You will be met, those who do not repent now, by the agents of hell and taken for a life of eternal damnation in the fires, forever to be tormented by the very desires that drove you to discard life everlasting for your place in hell.
"Your children are the misled victims of bad example--bad example of your teachers, bad example of many men in the House of God, bad example by your government and your schools. Satan rules your earth now. But he shall not capture you all, for I have given you the plan for your salvation numerous times.
"Before these trials are over, you will all have had the chance to make your choice, and if you fall it will be of your own will.
"Stand forth, My children. Defend the cross of My Son! Stand forth in truth. Do not succumb for your temporary pleasures and riches of the world. You will now make haste to enlighten the bishops that should they proceed in their plan to remove Our Vicar, the sword will come down upon them." - Our Lady, September 14, 1972

"All the prophecies must come to pass. But the extent will depend on man's repentance. All messages given in prophecy from the sacred grounds must be carried forth. However, this can be lessened in degree to you. All is on man's decision.
"The Father is not an ogre, My children. He is not one to punish. He will do this only to bring you back to Us.
"Retire from this world of satan. Wear your sacramentals, and have great hopes that one day the trials will be over. As you choose your side, be sure that you do not take the wide road which leads to your damnation.
"Make your choice now, for your time is very limited. Sacrifice now for My Son, and you will receive the greatest of rewards. You cannot have both. You will not be rich on this earth and store up your riches in Heaven. You must be poor on this earth, and therefore gather your graces for Heaven.
"I am not stating that all should discard their earthly living, My children. Man must work for his daily bread. But I do say you will not lose your souls for the desire of riches and your body pamperings. Your body is but a shell for the spirit, and your spirit is eternal. Remember this!" - Our Lady, August 14, 1972

"Man shall not condone or rationalize sin! He caters to the basic carnal nature of fallen mankind. Man sets himself up above the Creator. He seeks to create life. He shall not create life! He will bring forward a monster! Science, man of science, ever seeking but never reaching the truth!
"Arrogance, pride is always the beginning of the end. It is only in the simple hearts of man, the simple hearts, the child-like candor of an adult, that the truth will be found and the way. I am the way! No one shall come to the Father but through Me, for I am the way. All who deny My visit to your world, all who have not accepted Me as the Messiah, they are against Me, and as such, will seek to destroy all who uphold the truth.
     "You will receive your opportunity, each and every individual soul, to make your choice. This time is fast approaching upon you. Have you made your decision? If you accept the wide road and follow those who are against Me, you will never enter into the Kingdom of the Father. For if you do not recognize Me, you do not recognize the Father!" - Jesus, August 5, 1974 

"My children, I could go on and on, repeating and adding to the offenses against your God that are being committed daily in your lifetimes. Needless to say, sin is insanity; and the world's peoples will look askance--I say, My children, many will look askance at the developments as time goes on. All who are living will soon envy the dead, for sin is truly insanity.
"This sin has now encroached upon the clergy in My Son's House, His Church. A great measure of responsibility has been given to them to save and guide the sheep. The pastures are rich, but the sheep grow thin! They are not being fed spiritual food.
"The world must not reject the knowledge of the supernatural and the spirit. The world is of the flesh and the devil! My children, you must make your choice now: Will you be of the world, the flesh, and the devil, or can you live in the spirit for the short time given, left for mankind." - Our Lady, August 5, 1978

"The Eternal Father has a plan for each life; however, in His merciful heart and His goodness, He gave you a free will to make your choice. When He placed satan, the fallen angel, upon earth, and the others who fought with him to dethrone the Eternal Father, they left him upon earth. And with good heart and love, the Eternal Father created man and all his descendants upon earth to fight this evil one who sought to dethrone the Eternal Father.
"But what has happened now? Many have turned against Me." - Jesus, April 14, 1984

"You must hasten to remove the blindness and error from My children's hearts. Send My message, My child, fast out to the world! It is an error to say to My children, and misguide them, that they may break the rule and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is not true, My children. Grace and merit shall bring you to the Kingdom, grace and merit. You have a free will to make your choice. Pray for the light. Nothing is impossible to the Father." - Our Lady, March 22, 1975

"My children, bearers of the light--and I say you are My children, for We have watched with great anticipation the reaction upon Our children in the present crisis in My Mother's mission upon earth. It gladdens Our hearts to know that satan has been unable to go forward with his plan to bring sorrow to My Mother's heart anew. As you understand, My children, man has a free will and can use his will for good or evil.
"The Eternal Father in Heaven does not force His will upon mankind. He allows you your choice. Every man, woman, and child of conscionable age, the age of reasoning, shall be held accountable in the days ahead for his actions and his reaction to My Mother's mission." - Jesus, June 18, 1977

"Yes, My child, you ask Me, has it been many years that I have traveled throughout the earth? Countless earth-years, and why? Because, My child, My message was not heeded. Man has become perverse, degraded, and debased. He has given his body and his spirit to Lucifer, satan.
"The Father set you upon earth to do battle with satan, and to return in triumphant glory to the Kingdom. Instead, We find that many of you have made your choice and gone into the darkness. You have been deceived; you have accepted delusion. You will now recover yourselves in the heart of My Son you call the Eucharist.
"You will read your Book of life so that the truth will enter your mind, and cast off the books of satan that now enter your homes and the hearts of your children." - Our Lady, April 6, 1974

"The practice of sorcery and witchcraft has become widespread in your country and many nations upon earth. There is no goodness in witchcraft, for it is directed by satan, the master of deceit.
"My children, there are only two forces now upon earth: good and evil, light and darkness. You are now being tested, and you must now make your choice. Which side shall you join--the road that leads to eternal damnation, the road of darkness of spirit, or will you walk the road to Heaven, the road filled with light?" -
Our Lady, November 1, 1977 

"We had hoped, My children, My Mother had begged for a reprieve for mankind, and the hand of the Eternal Father was held back through generations; but now, My children, the test is here, the test to mankind. It will be the final stage of the separation of the sheep from the goats.
"You must make your choice now, who and what you will follow in the remaining time of earth-years. You must now decide upon a life in the world but out of the world. You must now live in the spirit of life, and not enter into a spirit of darkness.
"You must, as parents--I repeat My Mother's counsel to you--you must as parents now, be guardians of the souls of your children, for you cannot hand them over to anyone outside of your home, for the souls of whom knock upon your door are evil. Many will be lost in the coming tribulation and the days ahead." - Jesus, September 7, 1977

"You all--each individual soul still living upon earth will be given the choice to join the Kingdom of the Father, or surrender himself to satan and the kingdom of the prince of darkness and damnation and sorrow, and forever lost.
"As We go throughout the world, My children, We see many who are called 'dead.' Better that they die in the body and be cleansed of the soul than to live in the body and die in the spirit. What does it befit a man, nor benefit a man, if he gains the riches of the whole world and bargains and gives away his soul to satan?
"There will be gnashing of teeth, much woe set upon the earth, for satan and his agents are unchained.
"Make it known, My child, the urgency of your times. You are living now the latter days! Awaken Our sleeping pastors. You are living now the latter days!
"Have you made your choice already, My pastors? Have you sold your souls to get to the head?" - Our Lady, May 17, 1975

"My children, We do not seek to start a fear crusade, but We wish that you be prepared for what is happening now in your country and in all of the countries upon earth. You will have great battle to remove this evil one from among you, but pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Restore your homes to piousness. Religion, My children--do not accept the false religions of the evil one.
"Many have given themselves over to astrology, tarot cards, ouija boards, and now you have reaped your reward in murders and bloodbaths, and a form of insanity in the young, where it will be mother against son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother, as the battle of the spirits proceeds.
"My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world. I am here with you always to guide you for the asking. You have a free will and conscience. You must make your choice now; the time is growing short." - Jesus, September 13, 1977

"Wear your crucifix about your neck with pride. Are you ashamed to make it known that you are with My Son? My children, you must wear your sacramentals. The attacks upon you, both spiritual and bodily, will increase. Wear your sacramentals and place them about your children.
"Better there is death to the body than the death of the eternal soul!
"Man in his arrogance has cast aside the truth of the everlasting soul, the nature of man, the immortality of the soul. Know there is no word such as 'death'--only to the human body. You are as you are, an entity that lives forever. But over the veil, you have your choice of the kingdoms: forever in the light or the darkness. Forever with God the Father, My Son, and all those who have washed their robes clean in suffering and martyrdom for My Son, or you will join in the kingdom of the damned--the darkness, the wailing, and the torture of heart, knowing that you are forever lost in the abyss.
"Woe, woe, woe to those parents who lead their children onto the road to the abyss!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1974


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