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"Before the face thereof a devouring fire, and behind it a burning flame: the land is like a garden of pleasure before it, and behind it a desolate wilderness, neither is there any one that can escape it." - Joel 2:3

"The balance is being added to the left. Therefore, when your world has reached the peak of iniquity, you will be planet-struck. A glorious mystery will be sent upon earth through the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant children. However, this will be the final act to bring you back before the cleansing with fire.
"We do not intend to completely destroy earth as in the past, but We shall cleanse the earth by steps. Suffering shall be your vessel for cleansing. Man has allowed demons to direct his actions. Man has desecrated the temple of the Holy Spirit by succumbing to the wiles of satan. Man offends his God with his way of life." - Our Lady, April 14, 1973 

Veronica - And Joel himself said, tells you with no uncertainty it would be a comet. Because what he said, if you'll read Joel, only a short section in the Old Testament. He said, "In those days the world will be like a garden of pleasure."    
And as Jesus said, men will be marrying and giving in marriage, eating and drinking and making merry and "peace, peace." The cries of "peace" will go throughout the world, when suddenly the destruction will be upon you. Truly all the signs are here now....
Therefore, Joel said, there will be a burning ball that will go through this land which is like a land of pleasure. And behind it a flaming tail. So you yourself know that the only thing--the burning ball with the flaming tail is a comet. And so there Joel himself knew. And he was a prophet hundreds of years ago, before the coming of Christ, even. -
September 28, 1973 

"In the name of modernism, in the name of communism, in the name of humanism you have fallen into error and discord. Chaos in My Son's Church, the falling away of souls from the Eucharist, the Bread of life--My children, without the Bread of life within you, you cannot sustain yourselves long in your world now.
"The way to Heaven is not an easy way unless you remain on the narrow road. It has restrictions. I ask you now, My children, to avoid even what may appear to be pleasures of the world that may seem to you, as you become blinded by medias, by friends, by associations, blind to the fact that they are soul destroyers. You must limit yourselves now to seeking outside diversions from your home. For when you open your door, you go out now into a world that is now being guided through governments, and even through agents in My Son's Church, financial dynasties, national and international governments, heading fast to a collision.
"My children, do not forget in the years I have told you: you will be planet-struck." -
Our Lady, August 14, 1981 

"Your city of evil will crumble into the dust. Your world leaders, who are godless murderers, will fall to the sword. The Judases in My Son's House shall fall to the sword. There are many Judases in My Son's House. Do you think We do not see you? You are being tolerated, for you, too, can be saved if you turn from your road to hell.
"Turn back, Romans! Turn back while there is still time. When evil has reached its ultimate, you will be planet-struck. During this trial in cleansing, only a few will be saved.
"My message must be spread throughout the whole world. When the cataclysm is upon you, all will have had the chance to make ready. The Father has a plan. I have come here to your city with hope, to set here an oasis in this city of sin. Remember the fate of Sodom? All must make a firm decision to stand by My Son, casting aside the guiles of satan and accepting the armor I have given you."
- Our Lady, May 30, 1972 

"My Mother's words and the words of the Eternal Father will have gone throughout the world, and then you will be planet-struck. All this depends now on your atonement, sacrifices, and your turning back from your evil ways. We are merciful. We do not wish to visit evil upon you. We say 'evil' because anything that hurts Our hearts cuts deeply. We love all Our children, and We do not wish to see one lost to Us. But many times, My children, We will be forced to bring you back through suffering.
"We have given you in your country many graces. You are bountiful with luxury. You have grown fat on your luxuries, but this has not fed your souls. They are starved for the light. You wander in deep darkness. You search, but what are you searching for, My children? You reach out and what do you find? Satan!
"Already religions of evil are spreading throughout your land, creations of satan. What of your children? Are they visiting these temples of satan? As a parent have you warned them of the trap that is being set for them? No! You are too busy living your luxurious lives, pleasure seeking, filling your stomachs, pampering your bodies. To what avail do you do this? Your time upon earth is so short! What do you gain?" -
Jesus, April 10, 1972 

"Already the chalice has overflowed. The balance of your destruction lies in your hands.
"Man will now make complete atonement to the Father, or he will receive his recompense by a major Warning to mankind, and should this go unheeded, a great chastisement. In this chastisement, My children, billions will be lost. Many lives will be lost."
Veronica - Oh! Oh! Our Lady says:
Our Lady - "Your earth in due time will be planet-struck. This is the will of the Father. The pages of the Book of life and love (the Bible, Our Lady says) are turning faster and faster. Man fans the flames of the fires, and many fall into hell as fast as the snowflakes that fall from your heavens on earth's time.
"You hold the balance for your own salvation and for the continuance of earth as you knew it. Penance, prayer, and atonement. Soon My words will be stopped. The Father now deems that the remaining time be spent in prayer and atonement, good works and example. These are the instruments for the salvation of mankind." -
October 6, 1973 

“There are two crosses in your world now, My children: the cross of the living God and the one that man has built for himself to worship. There are two churches on your earth now: the Church of your living God and the church of man.
“Remember, do not condemn My Church, My children, for I gave it to you with truth and purity. It is man—in influence of satan—using fallen leaders who seek to defy and defile Me and My House!  Those who remain in the light will recognize this truth.  These loosed demons can be driven away by the guardians—the angels—assigned to My House to defend My House!  Yes, even those who have fallen from grace will be rescued if they repent of their ways now and turn back to Us!  Soon there will be a sword placed upon the world.
“The punishment upon an unrepentant world will be given in stages. One will be internal, man’s own creation; the next will be from the elements; and finally, from the constellations will fall upon you the Ball of Redemption. Houses will blow in the wind and skin will dry up and blow from the bones as though it had never been.
“Hasten, harken, and listen now, for you are receiving one of the final warnings given to this world. Before the cataclysm comes upon you, Our words will have reached throughout your earth; and those who fall will fall of their own choosing." - Jesus, February 1, 1972 

"My child and My children, I have a message of great urgency for the world. I have passed throughout your world to and fro, as truly a Mother of Sorrow, trying to warn you, begging with you to do penance and make atonement to the Eternal Father for all of the offenses committed by mankind. And now, My children, the great trials are upon you.
"As I counseled you in the past, there will be sent to mankind a war of such great magnitude that it will set the world aflame. And also you will be planet-struck." -
Our Lady, September 14, 1979 

"O My children, I have great news for you this evening, but it is not one to bring a smile to your face. The world has not progressed as the Eternal Father has asked. Man has become obsessed with sin. I tell you now, in the Trinity, that unless you listen now, your world will be planet-struck.
"I know, My child, this frightens you, but it cannot be held back much longer. The world has become polluted with all forms of 'ism': communism, atheism, humanism, all destructors of the soul. Man has not progressed as the Eternal Father has deemed them to be. They are now agents of hell. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. Souls are falling into the abyss as fast as the snowflakes that come from the heavens." -
Jesus, June 18, 1991  

"My children, the hand of your God is descending. With patience the Eternal Father watches, never wishing that even one be lost to Him. The sheep are scattering; the shepherds have fallen asleep. And now, in this crucial hour, new shepherds will come forward. They will be of humble beginnings, with great humility and love of their God.
"O My children, how long can you expect a reprieve? Far beyond what man has ever conceived in his human mind will he experience the Ball hurtling down upon earth, and earth shall be planet-struck!" -
Jesus, May 30, 1977 

Our Lady - "Your country has set itself onto the road to destruction, for they--your leaders have not taken action against the murderers set loose in your society. The murders of the young, the innocent unborn, have not gone by uncounted by the Eternal Father. Measure for measure shall you be given the reward of your--"
Veronica - Oh, as Our Lady is pointing now up, I see--oh, my goodness! Oh! Oh, my! I see that--I know it's a comet. It, it's a round ball of fire, and it's traveling at a very fast pace through the sky. And it's so hot! I can feel the heat, the great heat of this long tail. As it's going through space, it's shooting out a tremendous fiery tail. Oh!
Our Lady - "I repeat, My child, your country shall not escape the destruction of the fires, as you will be planet-struck.
"As in the days of Noe, My child, many shall reject the Message from Heaven.
"We do not send you a message of fear, but a message of fact. Repent; make atonement now while you have the time, for the hour of reckoning is coming. It is at hand, My child." -
July 25, 1975 

"One of the Fathers of your Church, Saint Paul, made it known to you quite licitly, that men shall not consort with men; and neither shall men dress as women. These are all abomination in the eyes of the Eternal Father, Whose hand steadily rocks back and forth the comet; Whose hand steadily seeks to raise and throw upon you, so that you will be planet-struck with the comet.
"My child and My children, pray constantly a vigil of prayer going throughout your world and the earth, for the little time that is being allotted to mankind.
"If I told you, My children, now, in clear sound when your end is coming, you would hasten forth, running here and there, to and fro, trying to warn mankind. However, only a few will be saved. I say this, My child and My children, as you count the millions of souls upon earth, only a few will be saved." -
Jesus, August 21, 1985 

"For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the Third World War, and also the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed." - Jesus, June 18, 1986 

Veronica - Now Our Lady is raising Her crucifix and pointing over to the right side. O my heavens! (Veronica gags) Oh, I can feel it; it’s like choking me. There is a tremendous black ball in the sky, and it has a dark tail. I never saw anything like this. It’s, it’s—oh, it’s terrible-looking. It gives you a feeling of death. It’s a horrible-looking thing. It seems to be turning and turning and turning about in the sky. - February 10, 1978 

Veronica - I see a ball of fire; it's coming fast through the sky, and it has a long red tail. It's red, it's fire! And now it's coming down to what looks like a ball, but no, it's the earth. And oh, oh, it has hit through the water; it's brushed through the water. And there are waves rising higher, higher than anything possible I could have seen. The waves are terrible. They're washing half of the continent out to sea. - July 25, 1985 

"Will your men of science find a way to stop the Ball of Redemption? I say unto you: No! For the Eternal Father shall guide that ball!" - Jesus, May 30, 1978 

"Many shall be removed before the great flame of the Ball of Redemption cuts across your world. The sins of mankind have hastened this trial upon you. All who remain in the light will have nothing to fear. Believe and you will be given the way." - Jesus, March 29, 1975 

Veronica - And the great peace that Our Lady promised at Fatima, which has been now delayed because Her requests were not really answered--so the great peace that She promised at Fatima, that will not come, I can tell you now, until after the Ball of Redemption, until this general cleansing. - December 24, 1972 

Veronica - And it will be known to man because when the Ball of Redemption is used as the chastising agent, you will see it for about two weeks before it ever hits earth. And that, I can assure you, will be a most frightening incident for most. - July 15, 1973 

"When the Ball of Redemption comes upon your earth, all will have received the Message from Heaven, and they will be given individual choice for their salvation or their damnation." - Jesus, October 2, 1972 

Veronica - Oh, my! Our Lady is pointing up to the sky, and I can see a tremendously large ball of fire. It's beyond description. It's the most frightening thing I've ever seen. And it's going through the air at a very fast speed, and I can see over on the right side of the sky an outline of the earth.
And the ball is heading for the earth and it's striking, the tail is setting fire to the side, I can see here, of the earth. Oh! Oh! The tail has intersected the earth, and the ball is now circling the earth. Oh! Now it's growing very dark. I can feel the great heat. Oh! - August 21, 1976 

"The Ball of Redemption hovers closer to your world. It is not an ordinary celestial star, My child. it is a supernatural manifestation performed by the Eternal Father. It will be a chastisement such as mankind has never seen before nor will ever see again. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976 

Veronica - And the globe now is one of the world, but there are flames on one side. I am almost looking now into the area. There are flames, and there's a big hole. Oh, it covers half of the globe, the hole. It's like burned out, as though it's been hit by a tremendous big ball of fire. Oh, it's terrible. I can feel the heat.
Now I notice that there is a tremendous ball now setting out in the sky by the sun. It's like two giant suns in the sky. But the ball on the right has a tail, and it's starting to move now around the sun. And as it goes it's bouncing crazily....
And it's heading now over towards the earth again. It's hit it once, and something happened. And now it's heading for another part of the globe. It's turned its course completely around and is striking the globe; I can see now the whole underside of the globe in flames. - April 14, 1984 

Veronica - I see a great light, a flash! It's so hot, this flash! Oh, there's a large ball of fire. Oh, it's very hot, and it's whirling through the sky, and it's shooting off sparks behind it. The sparks--they're large pieces of rock, and they're falling, falling down.
Now the waters, the waters are rising very high. I can see the waters. Oh! Oh! Oh, the waters have come in. They're so high! And I see some cities. I see a large city, and the waters are now--oh, they're pounding against the ground. And now I see the buildings--they're falling! Now the ground is cracking, and the buildings are falling into the holes. Oh! Oh! Oh! - June 16, 1973

Veronica - Now Our Lady is raising Her crucifix and pointing over to the right side.  O my heavens!  (Veronica gags)  Oh, I can feel it; it’s like choking me.  There is a tremendous black ball in the sky, and it has a dark tail.  I never saw anything like this. It’s, it’s—oh, it’s terrible-looking.  It gives you a feeling of death.  It’s a horrible-looking thing.  It seems to be turning and turning and turning about in the sky.  Now it seems to be making a swerving curve, and it’s heading down, like here towards the trees!  Oh, it’s a frightening-looking sight!  O, Blessed Mother! - February 10, 1978  

Veronica - And I see the people lying out beyond the doors. They seem to be falling over. Somewhere in the air, there is something that is cutting off their breathing, because they're clutching at their throats. And they're falling forward on their faces....
The explosion--it's like, almost like a bomb being dropped.... It's a ball. It's a fiery ball, and it's spinning and going about the globe. And it's trailing a long tail. It has gases. - August 14, 1973 

Veronica - Now I see a great, large—I know it's a powerhouse. It's a large building, a stone building. And they're pulling on all these levers. But I see fear, great fear in the faces of all these men. They're running up and down steps. There are levers on the steps, and they're pulling at these levers. But nothing's happening. And they're—now they're running down the stairs, and they're running outside. And when they run outside it's like going into total blackness. There are no lights, and it's dark, pitch black.
I see the men trying to walk outside. They're talking; two men are talking to each other by the door. They want to reach their cars, but they cannot find the distance. One man is groping his way, and the other is just standing. - August 14, 1973 


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